FFXIII feels a lot like FFVII (I think it was sort of intended). Lol, many people have joked about the opening scene with Cloud and Barret on the train and how the same thing happens in the opening of FFXIII (Lightning being 'a female Cloud' and Sazh being like Barret since...well, they're both black :P)magitekk
Add to that the fact Light and Sazh face a scorpion mech. just like Cloud and Barrett did. Square had to of done this on purpose, but all told I think XIII was influenced more by Advent Children than it was by FFVII.
Cocoon looked an awful lot like Midgar, honestly. Then everything outside of the metropolis (Midgar/Cocoon) was just natural, plain old boring stuff, like villages, forests, etc.
I really did find it funny that Midgar (well, I guess Junon can count) was the only scientifically advanced location in FFVII. Well, aside from the reactors, too, but they were a product of Midgar.
FFXIII is a lot more realistic than FFVII. They had to make it that way. There were a bunch of insanely ridiculous scenes in FFVII that really take away the points that make it 'a realistic Final Fantasy game'.
EDIT: There's nothing fantastic about a modern setting. That's why FFVIII was so bad; it was hard to incorporate the fantasy in with all of these annoying inconsistencies. For me, it just has to be medieval or sci-fi.
I will never ask for FF to be realistic or believable. I just want a variety of different environments to explore and play in.
Yes indeed FFVIII does rule. :P
I don't mind FF trying to be realistic or sci-fi, as long as it doesn't stray to far from the FF formula. Â
From what we've seen, FF can be just about anything. What defines the 'FF formula'? Making sure to add moogles and/or chocobos? :/magitekk
Of course Moogles and Chocobos don't make a Final Fantasy...but for me, they help a lot. All through FFXIII I found references to the other games, but the part I found to be most familiar and FF-like was free-roaming Gran Pulse on a Chocobo and randomly playing Chocobo Hot and Cold for treasures. Exploring on Chocobo was one of my favourite parts of Crystal Bearers on WII as well. Other games have horses, wild boars and other creatures to ride on, but the Chocobo is a distinctly Final Fantasy species. As is the Moogle. FFXII is loaded with Moogles and they are essentially just another race in that game, partaking in all aspects of society. Crystal Bearers also had a lot of Moogles and I'm stoked to see one in the previews for XIII-2 as it was one thing I really missed in XIII. There are very few things that are consistent between different Final Fantasy titles, but I think it's great that the series has it's own original creatures and species that set it apart from other worlds in the fantasy genre.
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