EDIT: We are making a Final Fantasy RPG for the boards
For those wondering why , it names things that are considered spoilers to some games.
EDIT: We are making a Final Fantasy RPG for the boards
For those wondering why , it names things that are considered spoilers to some games.
Online-style(no dice) with or without moving, hit for X amount of damage take X amount of damage ect.
Are you going to pick a Final Fantasy game to follow; or are you attempting to create something new with the traditional trademark items from the franchise. I also have AOL and the roleplaying community on that ISP is big. Surprisingly no one hardly every RPs any other FF game on America Online accept for the seventh installment. There's two know FFRPing groups which are absolutely amazing. One is called Return to the Planet(based off of FFVII) and another is named ShinRa(it's been around for 8 or 7 years) which basically takes what you know about the company to a new meaning.
I roleplayed in ShinRa for about 4 years with my character Alwen Greco. He was an Aeronavy officer(Airship commander) in ShinRa's paramilitary. But the group I was roleplaying with was really stricted. Everyone who joined had to become a military policemen(like Cloud) but there were several divisions within the MP Directorate, from basic law enforcement to maritime patrol. As you went through the enlisted ranks your superiors watched you. If you performed well IC on missions, and enemy encounters you could be promoted to SOLDIER, Special Operations, Omega Mechanize Infantry(Mighty Grunts), Foxtrot(Sniper Warfare), and Aeronavy(Airships) - the elite divisions. But depending on what division you were in as a MP branches off into one of those 5 elite divisions. The thing is many people wanted SOLDIER and almost like all elite divisions the dedicated members received these status. I spent two years as a military police officer in this division called Echo Task Force(maritime patrol) before being promoted to Aeronavy and a commissioned officer(Ensign, c1)so image the process of SOLDIER. But I had fun; you can check out my character at http://www.freewebs.com/alwengreco.
Interesting. Sound like the ones I am in. A Fire emblem rp and a some what of a freeform. I joined Gaia, but I am not in a roleplay yet there, but I did show up at a bussness roleplay a few times.
Here is the profile for the freeform.
The other profile is at the Fire emblem union.
I was thinking of a basic system so you could easily add classes, races and weapons from any FF game, so yes it will include things from all Final Fantasies starting with the numbered ones (I,II,III) since I have not played all of them I'll need some help for spells, races and classes. I'll start basic
I will be using a 4 Spell Level System
1st Level = Spell Name
2nd Level = -ra
3rd Level = -ga
4th Level = -ja
Thats all I can think of right now (sorry about the half post I had to go to school)
Need data? Here is a good site. http://www.ffcompendium.com/
Nice site, I'll get into it later I don't have time right now
surely you can provide a link to simulated dice.......
Honestly I can't, I don't know alot of websites for ANYTHING. I didn't know it exsisted. Maybe someone could creatate a .gif that you can "roll dice" with. I don't know
but an online game would be great, lets take the skeletens of another game and invent it in a new FF like world, with mogs and summons ect
we could be adventurers/traders each searching out for power or money or security
but an online game would be great, lets take the skeletens of another game and invent it in a new FF like world, with mogs and summons ect
we could be adventurers/traders each searching out for power or money or security
Easy enough, I've tried making a dozen RPGs already and I'm pretty good at it.
There could be like gates that link the worlds toghter before or after the story in that word take place. Can original characters be in this role play? jdr_172000
Yes there will, I had the same idea, so somehow all places from the MAJOR FFs (VII, IX, X ect.) will be in there somehow.
Orginial characters, why not I don't see a problem with it, just that they start at LV 1 (duh.) Ifsomeone does let me know.
i think an original cast is in order, each main player can make parties with other charactersKnowledgeOrCred
Thats kinda hard using multiple worlds, but either way I don't care. FF chars are open you can claim them now.
Will someone please start working on it, I'm in a crapload of homework and I'm not free until Thursday night at eariest. We can always fix it up later. IGNORE THIS NOW, I do have time and will start right away.
places from the MAJOR FFs.
That would increase the different races. What world/area would be the starting place?
I don't know anything about this so pardon me for not joinin gthe discussion.Fantasy_Gamer
i would have thought you'd be very interesting, this could be the thing that gets us out of the slumps for good, not in post count but post quality
I don't know anything about this so pardon me for not joining the discussion.Fantasy_Gamer
Ok, in short, we're (myself and whoever wants to help) are making a FF RPG for the boards. Above is the first listing of Classes, Weapons, and Items.
I don't know anything about this so pardon me for not joinin gthe discussion.Fantasy_Gamer
just get all the jobs from FFXI and thier stats while your at it. lilkamikaze
Care to help? I'm really tight on time here. I've got an essay due tomorrow along with a basketball game. A hockey scrimmage Friday night, practice Sat. and a game Sunday along with a party.
Ya, what will we start as? In 1 we could chose from white, red, black, warrior, theif, and black belt. 3 we started out as Onion kids. 5 we started out as bare. FF:T we started out as a Squire or Chemist. In FF:TA there were alot of classes we started out as depinding on race. Humans started out with Soldier, Thief, White, Black, archer. The Bangaa started out with Warrior, and White monk. Moogles have black, Animist, and Thief. The Nu mou have Black, White, and BeastMaster. Viera have Archer, Fencer, and White.
I forgot there will be job advancements, but I am not sure how some of the jobs will go. Because 3 and 5 don't have advancements I think.
Ok, I'm gonna try a different approach. I'm gonna make this on the fly. You pick the Race/Class and if its not there I'll make stats for it. (So yes, KoC there will be a theif.) This way we don't have to wait for me to make stats for every Class/Race in the FF realm. There will be class advancements and multi-classing, but not until after LEVEL 10. I'll get into that when someone meets the requirements and wants to. So please start making characters or request me to make a race/class for your character.
I want to help, but I don't know what to do. You can give me a form like:
and I'll try to fill it up.
Here ya go Fantasy_Gamer, the offical form for starting Characters
Other Notes/Desciption:
Lv: 1
Magic Attack:
Magic Defense:
Next Lv: 16
Total Exp: 0
Hp = +5
Mp = +5
Attack = +3
Defence =+2
Mag. Attack = +3
Mag. Defense = +2
Burmecian (FFIX)
Hp = +4
Mp = +5
Attack = +1
Defence =+3
Mag. Attack = +4
Mag. Defense = +2
Hp = +5
Mp = +4
Attack = +2
Defence =+2
Mag. Attack = +3
Mag. Defense = +3
These boost the stats of the starting class stats.
Black and White Mages
Hp = 18
Mp = 26
Attack = 7
Defence =4
Mag. Attack = 12
Mag. Defense = 6
Speed = 5
Starting Spells
BM: 2 of the 4 basic spells (water, blizzard, thunder, fire)
all do same damage (10+Mag. Attack - Magic Defense) but different elements
Mp 6
WM: Cure (10+Mag. Attack = Hp restored)
Mp 5
Fighter, Soldier, Knight, Warrior (all the same type, I see no difference, what you call yourself is up to you.)
Hp = 28
Mp = 16
Attack = 13
Defence = 6
Mag. Attack = 6
Mag. Defense = 3
Speed = 6
Starting Skills
Human killer (double damage to human-type enemies)
Hp = 21
Mp = 15
Attack = 10
Defence = 6
Mag. Attack = 6
Mag. Defense = 5
Speed = 15
Starting Skills
Defender (Similar to Warrior, but with high def.)
Hp = 25
Mp = 16
Attack = 12
Defence = 9
Mag. Attack = 6
Mag. Defense = 4
Speed = 6
Starting Skills
Defend others
Black Belt/Monk
Hp = 25
Mp = 14
Attack = 14
Defence = 7
Mag. Attack = 5
Mag. Defense = 5
Speed = 8
Starting Skills
None (Any suggestions?)
Hp = 24
Mp = 18
Attack = 10
Defence = 7
Mag. Attack = 7
Mag. Defense = 5
Speed = 7
Starting Skills
Lancet, 6 MP, (Attack) +5/+5 (magic Attack)
Drains Hp and Mp from the enemy.
Hp = 26
Mp = 17
Attack = 10
Defence = 6
Mag. Attack = 6
Mag. Defense = 4
Speed = 9
More classes are coming (these should be balenced to start)
WEAPONS (price)
Sword +6 (650)
Daggar +3 (350)
Staff +3 (350)
Axe +9 (800)
Claws +5 (600)
Spear +7 (675)
Bow +5 (625)
Coming up...
Ancients/Ctera(7) (Toned down to start of course)
Ronso (10)
Lilties (TA)
Viera (TA/12)
and more
Classes (and "promoted classes")
Summoner (White Mage Lv. 10)
Red Mage (White or Black Mage Lv.10)
Blue Mage (White or Black Mage Lv. 10)
Summons/Spells/Skills, Classes, Races, Weapons, Items and Armor (NEW!!!) in general.
Custom Weapons (Like Cloud's buster sword and other "from game" weapons
A overdrive, trance, limit system
Status effects
Please double check(especially the weapons/prices) and make suggestions. Also there will NOT be a Level cap, so if this runs for along time the levels will not stop.
How am I supposed to fill it up? I think you've already made one now.Fantasy_Gamer
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