How many of you still remember Diablos? What do you think about him? Would you like to see a new form of Diablos in one of the future Final Fantasy, maybe FF XIII?
I felt like the only time Diablos was indespensible was during the fight with Cerberus. Otherwise he just wasn't that powerful until later in the game, when all GFs did close to 9999 anyway.
I would say that he could look even better then before in FF XII, but most of all his place could be in FF XIII. :) For lordgodalming, every GF in FF VIII could do 9999 damage, the only one who could break damage limit was EDEN, but for a regular GF Diablos was quite marvelous and for some really hard to beat, i had some friends that really had a problem with beating him, but i got it whem i got the lamp, when i left the Garden. :)
I would love to see a nicer version of the original animation. The huge black liquid orb spinning and being covered with great symbols. Bats flying all over the screen. The sounds were what did it for me because they were so gothic and had an awesome atmosphere of spookyness. IMO keep the animation and sounds but make it alot more detailed. If it's not broke don't fix it...but pimping it out never hurt anyone.
Back then, in 1998 when FF VIII was released the Guardian Forces couldn't break the limit damage, but what if he was introduced in FF XIII for example? It would be a changed Diablos and i am sure he could do a lot more damage. back then the ultimate GF was Eden, he was the most powerfull GF and also the longest presentation in FF. :D
That would be a dream come true if he made it into an upcoming game. He's one of my favorites....Sadly looks like SquareEnix has their mind made up. I don't really see any summons making it to new games (If they do they probely wont be on your side anyway..). But hopefully they'll prove me wrong :)
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