Final Fantasy has been a long running series.... and it has had many great characters, so here is the question..... Who is your favorite?
My top 20 would be:
1. Kain Highwind (FFIV): Just plain awesome, his jumps, his character, his last name (hell, I wish my last name was Highwind.... How cool would that be?), his armor, I could go on forever:P
2. Balthier Bunansa (FFXII): So frickin cool, always calm and collected, always saying a cool line at the right time.... He is the only reason I even bothered to play through FFXII. Oh and I wouldn't mind being named Balthier at all:P
3. Setzer Gabbiani (FFVI): Bad@$$, Just plain Bad@$$.... 'nuff said.
4. Rydia (FFIV): Child form = adorable, adult form = frickin SEXY!!!
5. Kefka Palazzo (FFVI): I cannot complement this guy enough, it's like he too every standard for a villain.... and turned it upside down.... He is the best videogame villain ever created, no questions....
6. Terra Branford (FFVI)
7. Reno (FFVII): YAAAAAAH!!!! RENO!!!
8. Lock Cole (FFVI)
9. Cid Highwind (FFVII): Lots of people don't seem to like him.... But I thought he was a pretty bad@$$ middle-aged guy.....
10. Ricard Highwind (FFII): Yup, the first of the Highwinds.... It was soo touching how he sacrifised himself in the end.....
11. Ultros (FFVI): How can you not like this octopus?
12. Zidane Tribal (FFIX)
13. Gilgamesh (FFV)
14. Vivi Orunitia (FFIX)
15. Agrias Oaks (FFT)
16. Edgar Roni Figaro (FFVI)
17. Mog (FFVI): How can you not like moogles? Mog was the coolest by far though:P
18. Yang Fang Leiden (FFIV): Green haired monk = epic win.
19. Shadow (FFVI)
20. Sabin Rene Figaro (FFVI)
Thats my top 20:D
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