These are instructions for the new game which will start up after the quiz. This will further explain what it entails..
If you are aware of the game 20 questions,this is similar. I will think of anything from the Final fantasy Universe then your goal will be to ask me questions. After I answer you will then be presented with two choices:
Guess what/who it is
ask another question
If someone succesfully guesses the character correctly after my first clue then they will recieve 19 points.
This is the points layout:
After no questions which I start out saying if it is a person place or thing which does not count as one of your questions- if you guuess correctly after this you recieve 20 points.
1 question-19 points..
after 2nd question-18 points
you get the point
If you guess and it is incorrect you lose 5 points so it is up to you to risk it.
Now some rules:
Your questions have to be yes or no questions like
GOOD: Does he wear a helmet?Is he a boy?
BAD:Which Final Fantasy is he from?What is his name?
Everyones question counts as one If there is only one question left and Billy Bob answers it before John..Jhn does not get his question answered.
If someomne asks a question before you answer you will not get the amount of points you would have if you would have anwerd it before
EX: Billy: Is he from Final Fantasy VII?
Jack: Vincent Valentine Jack would get 18 not 19
I also do not want you asking questions in a row . After I answer your question then you can ask another..So wait till your question is answered before making a move.
That said everyone has their own points as well...
I will gain one point If no one can aswer it.
There will be 20 rounds and the only way for me to win is if I reach 20 points...
There will be bonus rounds(borrowed off of DreadDLordD if you do not mind) The rounds will consist of something called fast play where I will describe a noun and you must figure out what it is. I will give out a trait every so often till someone guesses it. There will be a possibility of 20 points in that.
As It gets closer to time I will refine this and add to it but this is to give you an idea. If you have any tips or suggestions pm me. I am locking this till game time and sticking it so it does not get lost....I will open it up later this month when the quiz is done.
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