Hello FFE members, hope everyone is doing great…
Here at FFE we care about every one of you, we did the unthinkable and collected every one's username, why? To send telegrams again cause the old system is bugged since years, from now on anytime you get a PM saying SQUALL20XX or Fantasy_Gamer mentioned you in a comment this will mean it's a new telegram from FFE union, in sake of letting you know of everything happening in the Final Fantasy World and on what activities happening in the union this will be our new way of telegrams.
For statistical purposes and to always be sure the telegrams are working correctly, let us know you have received the telegram by posting in this thread and/or voting on the polls.
Latest FF news:
Final Fantasy Type-0 Sequel
It's Finally Versus' Turn After Type-0
Final Fantasy XIV on 360 and Vita
And many more news…
Union Fun Activities:
FFE: Hangman (I'm #1 in this game now, tied with the host of the game DreadDLordD, do you think you can defeat me? Let's see what you got :))
That's it for now, thanks for reading, hope to see you more in the union, enjoy your stay …
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