I got a copy of FFXII JP and now I'm playing it from time to time (but not one of my priorities). I think Orasion_Seiz is also playing it.
So, what can I say about it?
The FMV is good just like the previous FFs, but it most resembles those used in FFX and FFX-2.
Like in the old-school FFs, there are some Prologue reading at the start of the game.
The battle system is a cross between real-time movement and turn-based action (attack, magic, etc). Unlike the ATB where you charge your ATB bar then you can act, here, you chooose your action and then it will charge to allow you to do the chosen action... Like the reverse of ATB. The only difference is that you can run around the field while in battle... There's no transition between the field and battles screens... Both are merged in one screen.
Inside towns, I was fooled by the videos in the internet. I thought the towns are really more lively with all races walking, chatting, fighting in the streets. Yes the town is really lively... But you can only talk to specific NPCs. About 90-95% of the NPCs are just decorations. The ones you can talk to are only those that have smiley of sorts on top of their head.
Hmmm, I'm only in the first town and it's quite big. If you think Esthar (FF8) is big, maybe you can double it for the first town in FF12.
Anyway, even if the towns are huge, you will not be lost easily 'coz there's a map in the city. It shows the location of the tavern the shops and the entrance/exit points. Also, it will also show where you will be going next o even if you have stopped playing it for a while, you'll easily know where you will go to continue your game.
The new power up system? It's called the Gambit and the License Grid. O'll talk about it in a different thread. f I'm not too busy, I'll try to make a guide for it and FF12 as a whole.
For the races, there are the humes, bangaas, moogles and vierras. FF12 did not include FFTA's nu mou race. Instead, it featured the bulky yet ferocious seeq race. Most NPCs yu will see are humes, bangaas and seeqs. Very few vierras around.
As for the first mission, you have to fight this tomato monster. It's easy. The first monster you'll encounter ouside the town are cactuars. :)
I've seen FFTA's Montblanc, the moogle in one of the places!
That's all for now.
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