I couldn't resist... everyone always talks about the girls, but what about the boys?! Feel free to comment on looks, personality, and all around toughness. I'll try and keep a running total of favorites.
Well, I haven't finished FFXII, but Balthier won my heart over immediately. First of all, he's a pirate. Who can resist pirates? Second, he's sauve and sarcastic, and I like that. Great character and I'm looking forward to learning more about him.
As for games I've finished, I've always had a soft spot for Irvine in FFVIII, as well as the requisite love for Squall as the closed-off, lonely character. Auron was my favorite in FFX just because he was so amazingly cool. Never really cared for Tidus, though. Always thought he was kind of a sissy... and I'd like to knock Wakka out with his blitz ball. :D
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