It was metioned on IGN that the new Character is THE BEST CHARACTER EVER!!!!!!!!! SQUALL!!!!! F all u ff8 haters lol Squall owns
It was also shown at TGS
It was metioned on IGN that the new Character is THE BEST CHARACTER EVER!!!!!!!!! SQUALL!!!!! F all u ff8 haters lol Squall owns
It was also shown at TGS
Call me when Cecil, Kain or Setzer is a deffinitely. Squall blowsfs_metal]\
LOL u just hate FF8 in general
Cloud Vs. Squall Vs. Tidus
Omnitears Vs. Lionwhine Vs. Overcry
xD Emo Battle! (Tidus may have been cheerful, but he was a whiner....)
ya because japaneese script writters now all about stupid american teenage beahviors and intentionally creat there characters accordingly.
Give me a @#$%^& break, people having the nerve to label ff cahracters as being emo, bring that up to any of the writers of final fantasy and they will either look at u like ur stupid or they will be confused. call it coincedence if u ahve too but thats only a byproduct of how younger american audiences think, and they catagorize it accordingly. ignorance is the only word i can think off
Wtf in that case cecil is emo as well..... with rose and all.. not that he had THAT much character anyways. God forbid they attempt to portray a main characteres greif having to do with an unfortuante or foul past.. ok then..... lets listsome more"emo" chracters then, since its soo obvious right...
Ashley Riot- Vagrant story. Aya Brea- Parasite eve 1. Fei & Emma- Xenogears, Delita- ff tactics, Lenneth- Valkyire profile, Ridley- Radiata stories, Shion, Jr.- Xenosaga(beat 1-3 thencomment). The list can go on.. peopleshould really remove the word"emo" from their vocabulary, Unless this union if full of 12 year olds.
Emo is a japanese trendya because japaneese script writters now all about stupid american teenage beahviors and intentionally creat there characters accordingly.
Give me a @#$%^& break, people having the nerve to label ff cahracters as being emo, bring that up to any of the writers of final fantasy and they will either look at u like ur stupid or they will be confused. call it coincedence if u ahve too but thats only a byproduct of how younger american audiences think, and they catagorize it accordingly. ignorance is the only word i can think off
Wtf in that case cecil is emo as well..... with rose and all.. not that he had THAT much character anyways. God forbid they attempt to portray a main characteres greif having to do with an unfortuante or foul past.. ok then..... lets listsome more"emo" chracters then, since its soo obvious right...
Ashley Riot- Vagrant story. Aya Brea- Parasite eve 1. Fei & Emma- Xenogears, Delita- ff tactics, Lenneth- Valkyire profile, Ridley- Radiata stories, Shion, Jr.- Xenosaga(beat 1-3 thencomment). The list can go on.. peopleshould really remove the word"emo" from their vocabulary, Unless this union if full of 12 year olds.
ya because japaneese script writters now all about stupid american teenage beahviors and intentionally creat there characters accordingly.
Give me a @#$%^& break, people having the nerve to label ff cahracters as being emo, bring that up to any of the writers of final fantasy and they will either look at u like ur stupid or they will be confused. call it coincedence if u ahve too but thats only a byproduct of how younger american audiences think, and they catagorize it accordingly. ignorance is the only word i can think off
Wtf in that case cecil is emo as well..... with rose and all.. not that he had THAT much character anyways. God forbid they attempt to portray a main characteres greif having to do with an unfortuante or foul past.. ok then..... lets listsome more"emo" chracters then, since its soo obvious right...
Ashley Riot- Vagrant story. Aya Brea- Parasite eve 1. Fei & Emma- Xenogears, Delita- ff tactics, Lenneth- Valkyire profile, Ridley- Radiata stories, Shion, Jr.- Xenosaga(beat 1-3 thencomment). The list can go on.. peopleshould really remove the word"emo" from their vocabulary, Unless this union if full of 12 year olds. :|
I so agree, and it's sad that that's the only reason people can find in not liking a character, when it's not even accurate.
You know i never even heard the word emo til i moved to the suburbs. And I think if any genre should have emo charecters it should be the RPG's. Leave the heartless bad asses to the shooters and beat em ups because a charecter who shows emotion makes a better story. I mean come on could you imagine playing a final fantasy game with the main charecter being Marcus Fenix (Gears of War). I can see it now...MiracleMirPretty much... but dont use the word emo plz. For some dumb reason... showing EMOtion has been labeled a negetive thing by the youths of this generation. Its Just down right insulting, especially FF games.
Lol. emo is not japaneese dude. What because they were there hair in "particular" ways and have tight pants? in all honesty thats just how theyve been for a VERY long time natrually and does not reflect there personality.ThreeVoEmo is not how we use it
I think the basic premise behind Dissidia is to feature the main hero and main villain of every numbered Final Fantasy game.
I am curious as to who exactly they are going to choose as Final Fantasy VI's "main hero" since it sort of doesn't really have one. Yeah, yeah I know people can argue until the ends of the Earth who the "real" main character is, but its completely pointless.
Anyways, if I could only have one character from FFVI I hope it would be Celes, Setzer would be awesome too but I can't really see him fitting into the game very well since his weapons are darts and dice. Square will most likely put in Terra and Celes though so that way everyone wins.
I'd also love to see Kain and Yang from Final Fantasy IV make an appearance, that would be completely awesome.
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