Also known as FFU,this is a 25 episode anime.
Character introduction:
Yu Hayakawa-Twin brother of Ai Hayakawa,he wears a chocobo feather on his head after a certain part of the anime.The Chocobo,Chobi,seems particularly close to him compared to his sister Ai.Yu is also slightly quieter than his sister and is often found bickering with her,though he does seem to stump her most of the time.
Ai Hayakawa-More outgoing than her younger twin brother,Yu.At certain point of the anime she obtained a PoshePocket which will give anything she needs(It's pretty much living and all but it "malfunction at times") but tends to misbehave so Ai plastered it's mouth up.The PoshePocket,for humour relief,once gave Ai a Banana peel when she asked for a weapon to defeat the gigantic monster chasing her.She threw the peel away and proceeded to fleeing when the monster stepped on the peel as slipped.Despite the fact that the twins does not fight,they prove very vital to the plot.
Lisa Pacifist-She first met the twins in the mysterious train that appeared out of nowhere.She behaves oddly to the twins and is later revealed that she too,is looking for the Hayakawas as well(Their parents in other words)She is able to use Kigen Arts which makes use of Spiritual Energy to form defensive spells.
Kaze-This guy reminds me very strongly of Vincent Valantine of Final Fantasy VII.He uses a Magun,which is able to act like a normal gun.However,he uses a certain ammunition by the name Soil to Summon.Apparently he is suffering from amnesia and had no idea what happened to him.However,he chose to follow Lisa and the twins.His Summons will be based off on what bullets he use and they tend to kill off most monsters.However,it seems that he is not the only one capable of wielding a Magun as seen at certain parts of the Anime.The Magun consists of three barrels and three slots for the Bullet Soil.Though apparently for normal shots he does not need to reload.
Makenshi-His real name is Kumo,Kaze knows him as White Cloud,apparently his the only person Kaze seems to have a slight impression of in his amnesic memory.Makenshi uses a Maken(Magic Sword) to channel his powers of Mist and Silver Dragons to fight with.He wears a mask owing to the fact that he breathes out Mist so he must wear it to prevent it's activiation in non-combat.
Knave-He is the leader of Comodeen,a rebel troop against the Emperor,Earl Tyrant.His a bit of a flirt and uses a gattling gun and bazooka.
Miles-The only female in Comodeen,she's tomboyish and uses a blowgun.
Cid-Ahh..Cid again.But this Cid seems to be much younger compared to the other Cids.He proved a real asset to the Comodeen and very popular there as well.He names his inventions after women and loves his inventions a bit too deeply,for when his invention is harmed his practically nuts.He have a vast knowledge on the Soil Kaze use.At one point of the Anime,he is turned into a frog and to turn back...well,the typical story of a Princess kissing a Prince Frog,Miles kissed him to break the curse.
Fungo-His odd and short,he once stolen Ai's bag and ate it.However,later on,he joins the Comodeen and apparently he have a sixth sense that allows him to sense danger and he have the ability to talk to Cactuars.
Earl Tyrant-Unlike being child-like and licking a lolipop all day long,his actually the Avatar of Chaos itself.His capital is the Fortress Gaudium and his goal is to reunite the pieces of Omega while sitting his butt sore on the Throne.(He doesn't collect the Omega Pieces himself)
Omega-It is in pieces now,which Earl aims to collect and reunite.It is a Entity that feeds on existence and is an Anti-Matter monsters of somekind.One of the many pieces include the Ghost Train which took Ai and Yu and Lisa to the "Wonderworld" or "Inner World" in the first place.
Lords of Guadium(Their the officers of the Fortress)
-Herba:She carries an umbrella most of the time(Even though it isn't raining)She have a pet called Hug-hug,of which have a monstrous appetite.She herself have the ability to draw power from plants.
-Oscha/Oscar:He is a rather odd fellow,he usually appears to be armless and legless though arms do pop out at times.(Not to mention slightly eccentric,though he can prove seriously evil at times)At one point of the anime it is revealed that he is a Piece of Chaos and is able to use a variety of spells such as resseruction.
-Fungus:Like his name,he look like a large humanoid mushroom of some kind.He is immortal due to his power of his homeworld(Which was consumed by Chaos),though each time he is reborn his very small and needs time to regain his original stature.However,desperate to impress Earl and defeat Kaze,he drew out all the power of his homeworld,however due to a special moss sent there,his suffering and Kaze,seeing this,finished him off.Fungus thanked him for having such a powerful last opponent and relieving him from this pain and he vanishes.
-Pist Shaz XI:His blue and his mouth is at the back of his body.His impossibly proud but also impossibly intelligent,his intelligence was even praised by Oscha himself.He gathers information and after the death of Fungus,he completed his masterpiece,the Ocean Puzzle,which he placed in the heroes' way.However the heroes survived this trap.
-Madoushi:Makenshi's older brother and he taught Makenshi everything he knew.His real name is Kiri.Makenshi and Madoushi later duelled,after Chaos is defeated,Crux discovered a Crystal at Madoushi's grave.She gave Makenshi the crystal and he received all his brother's powers and Crux herself,transformed into a Cross Sword.(To be honest,Madoushi does look a bit like a girl,his not wearing anything girly like Kuja,however.
Other Characters:
Fabula-she is a self-proclaimed Guide and tells stories of old.She lives inside an Oyster that can sprout wings so she is hardly involved in conflict.She is also the one who gave Ai the PoshePocket.She later proved important to the plot.
Joe and Marie Hayakawa-Parents of Ai and Yu,they disappeared when both of them are still young.Apparently they went into the Wonderland and became scientists of the tyrant lord,Earl.Even though they met their son once,owing to a unfortunate event,they ignored him and Yu was most unstable after this event.Fortunately,Chobi saved Yu from the Fortress and Earl watched him go.Yu kept quite about this,though he was depressed when he was back.However,at the last minute,Joe and Marie betrayed Chaos/Earl due to their affection to the twins.It is revealed that Ai and Yu isn't their own children,in fact,their not truly human at all.
Chobi-This Chocobo befriended Yu and later,Ai,when Yu found a Chocobo Hairpin which allows him to understand Chocobo's speech.Yu is particularly close to Chobi however,Ai,is annoyed by it as it is constantly biting her in the hair and flailing her around.However,the Chocobo did save the twin's life at times.Chobi also gained the Power of Ciel,in the Ruins of Ciel.He can transform and don and white armour and the ability to fly with extra strength to boot.Cid later gave it a necklace to keep tabs on the Ghost Train,however,it is later modified by Earl to spy on them instead...poor Chocobo :P
Crux-A Fairy like humanoid whose being brought to life by Oscar,she is used to spy on the twins,however,she later rebelled and began helping the heroes instead.She became particularly close to Makenshi after he saved her life.
Lou-She have the ability to turn into a werewolf,which she uses for combat.She typically fell in love with Kaze after he "saved" her from Omega,though Kaze gave her the cold shoulders.At certain part of the plot(the final battle to be honest)She dies and later sacrificed her body to form a Soil Bullet for Kaze to destroy Chaos with.
Clear-He seems to be a shy and underconfident boy,who later befriended Ai.However,he kept his distance as he is really just a piece of Omega.He wears gloves and perhaps the boots and transparent cloak over his head as well,to contain his powers.He later suffered a terrible fate.
Moogle-A old friend of Kaze.(His also known as Mog or Moogle Kupo)He dons a cape and a eye patch(not unlike Kaze)His pom pom is yellow unlike most moogles.He also have several magical abilites such as powering up Kaze's Magun.He later sacrificed himself,along with Kaze and Lou to form the Bullets to form a Summon to destroy Chaos.
Aura-Younger sister of Kaze,she is later mortally wounded and turns herself into Soil for Kaze to use against Chaos.Apparently she is connected to Makenshi one way or the other.
Sou No Kizuna:A novel that is a side story based off the main series.
Final Fantasy:Unlimited Before:A CD that exposes the destruction of Kaze and Makenshi's world.It also exposes what happens to Kaze and Makenshi after the Final Battle.It is given to Competetion winners in Japan.(Lucky them :P)
Final Fantasy:Unlimited After:This is a comic book.It features Lisa's past and her organisation and the Twins and a new villain named Souljashy(Apparently the Fortress Gaudium is rebuilt)
The After Spiral:It briefly describes a couple of character's past and certain events.
Final Fantasy:Unlimited After 2-A Radio Drama in Japan,which means we will never get it...provided that we might not get it D:
Music are..
Over the Fantasy
Romancing Train(For the lyrics visit the other thread I posted)
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