I love Odin. He's just so cool!
Odin is best cos Yojimbo and Gilgamesh are way too random and Odin looks the bestRedNEXUSIf Gilgamesh wasn't random he'd probably be my fave.
Odin 4 teh win.Odin is hard as nails! I certainly wouldn't like to meet him ANYWHERE, nevermind a back alley.
Yojimbo. I only know Odin from FFVII and he cost more mp than he was worth. I never use him. I don't know Gilgamesh.
I would say Yojimbo. Isn't Giglamesh a secret boss in FF I?ffsageYes but only in Dawn Of Souls( i think )
Wow...I can't choose between Odin and Gilgamesh...err...Odin.FFVIIFangirlare we pressuring everyone in to choosing odin :lol:
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