Final Fantasy introduced many new RPG must-have: like transportation, as compared to Dragon Quest (the other culprit for RPG popularity). Smart adventurers don't trek everywhere on foot. Now, they travel by airship, among others. This makes journey throughout the world easier and opens a wider range of exploration possibilities like going underground, underwater or even outerspace!
In this feature story, we will trace the evolution of the main airships in the Final Fantasy series.
Hope you'll like it!
Final Fantasy
The very first airship in the series looks very simple. It has a small body and there are three propellers. In the WSC port of the game, the airship's body was modified a little bit to look rounded.
The first airship can travel everywhere in the world's airspace, even on top of high mountains, but it can only land on grasslands.
Final Fantasy II
Nothing has been changed in the airship for Final Fantasy II. I remember it to be operated by FF's first Cid. You can ride it to bring you to different towns of the world for a fee. Price depends on the location.
Later you can get your own airship. The same thing as the first. It can fly anywhere and can land only on grasslands.
Final Fantasy III
This is the first unique airship on Final Fantasy, and is the first one to use the name "Enterprise". It has a new look and is more than just an airship.
It has limited flying power as it cannot get past high mountains.
What is unique with this airship is that it can only land on waters, where in can be used as a sailing ship.
Another unique airship. What can I say about this airship? I remember it to be an INSANELY (caps, bold and underline suplied) fast airship! Actually, it's the fastest Final Fantasy airship I've used. It's not an exaggeration. I've played Final Fantasy IIIj.
Nautillus cannot travel over mountains and can only land on grasskands. Once it is upgraded, it can land on water and transform into a submarine. Cool, huh?
The first proprietor of the name (not the one in FFIX). This a huge "jumping airship"!
Invincible is the first all around airship in tge series. It has some vending machines where you can buy your items, weapons and armors; it has a free bed (free inn); and also has a Fat Chocobo (item keeper).
The said airship is not just a mode of transportation, nor a mobile inn, nor a travelling merchant ship. It is a battle ship! When you go to continent of Dalug, it will always give you a support firepower against all th enemies you encounter at the start of battle. It is a big help considerin gthat FF3j is quite hard compared tot the rest of the FFs.
As compared to the Enterprise and Nautillus, the Invincible can land (it deos not actually land like FFVII's Highwind) on any flat land. It cannot land on water. Why did I say that it is a "jumping airship"? Well, the first two FF3j airships cannot fly past on mountains, neither can the Invincible do it. However, it can jump on top of any one square of mountain. That's how it works and that's how you can reach your final destination.
Final Fantasy IV
After our hero, Cecil, lose command of the Red Wings, he was meant to never ride an airship again (because on Baron has them, and he is already an outcast there). Luckily, his soon-to-be father-in-law, Cid, lent him the Enterprise to help combat the evil forces.
Anyway, the Enterprise is quite a useful airship. It can fly anywhere (including mountains), and can only land on graslands.
Later it will be upgraded; and it can now carry your hovercraft
(Enemy Airship)
This airship works just like the FFIV Enterprise. It can also fly in the underworld area.
Once upgraded, it can drill a hole from the underworld to the overworld and vice versa. It's your passes when you want to go between the two worlds.
"Big Whale"
It is also called the "Magic Ship" becasue it can do what is thought to be impossible... To go to the moon.
It is a huge airship. Inside, there is a free inn and a Fat Chubby Chocobo (item keeper).
Final Fantasy V
(Cid's airship)
This airship will undergo different improvements throught your gameplay in Final Fantasy V.
At first it can only be used as an airship. As such, it can only land on grasslands, but can fly over mountains.
In the mid-game, you will upgrade it to be able to fly higher and reach the Floating Continent.
Late in the game, Cid will give it it a final upgrade: It can transform into a sailing ship, an airship and a submarine!
Final Fantasy VI
(Setzer's airship)
This is a great airship! It will not stay with you that long, but the experience with it is sweet.
Inside, you can see your non-active members roaming to the different areas of the ship. There is an item shop, a place to recover your HP/MP and a man who will de-equip all equipment of any non-active characters. The ship even has a casino (Considering that the owner is a gambler), but no game can be played in there. :(
The airship can fly over mountains, but can only land on grasslands.
Airship of Setzer's deceased best friend-rival. It's not as good as Setzer's (No shop. NO HP/mp refill. No casino.), but it's better than waling on-foot.
Final Fantasy VII
"Tiny Bronco"
I consider it an airship becuase in actuality, it's still an airplane. However, due to an unlucky incident, it can no longer fly to the skies.
On the positive side, the Tiny Bronco can work as a hovercraft. As such, it can glide over shallow waters and rivers.
The highwind is one cool airship. Inside you can see your non-active members (Take special attention to Yuffie). There is the upper deck, the main corridor, a conference room (where you can refill your HP/MP, customize your party and save your game) and the cockpit. There is also a place for your chocobo (Yes, you can bring your chocobo inside your airship).
The Highwind can go anywhere. You can adjust the altitude while flying and can also do a strafe movement by pressing and holding the square button (Useful when hunting Ultimate Weapon). It can land on any area except mountains and forests.
Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children
Cid Highwind has just acquired a new airship! It is called "Sierra". In the movie, you can see it while Cloud is fighting Sephiroth.
Final Fantasy VIII
"Balamb Garden"
Like the Tiny Bronco, the Balamb Garden acts as a hovercraft.
It moves maddeningly slow, but can go through ocean as well as land. It can only go onto land via seashores, though. It can't land on forests or water. It can enter Fishermans Horizon automatically. Inside Balamb Garden is a massive school for SeeDs. ~ ffcompendium
A giant dragon-spaceship which acts as an airship.
Ragnarok can go to any place, but it can only land on flat surfaces. This high-tech airship has an "autopilot" function which will allow you to reach your destination without the need of manually controlling the airship. Just choose your chosen destination in the world map and all you have to do is wait.
The Ragnarok can land directly on Fishermans Horizon, Esthar Airstation, or Deep Sea Research Center. In Disc 4, if the Card Club Quest has been completed, the entire Card Club will be on the ship. ~ ffcompendium
Final Fantasy IX
"Prima Vista"
The theatre ship you see early in the game. It is owned and operated by Tantalus.
"Cargo Ship"
This is where you see all those cool Black Mage battles.
"Hilda Garde 1"
"Hilda Garde 2"
"Red Rose"
The airship of General Beatrix... Has some reference with the "Red Wings" in FFIV.
"Hilda Garde 3"
Ship made by Cid to prove his honest love for his wife.
This is your last airship in the game.
Final Fantasy X
(Cid's airship)
Many gamers are disappointed by the way Final Fantasy X was presented espcially on the fact that there is no actual airship exploration. Instead, you will just have to click a particular destination in your map and you'll be "instantly" transported in that place. You will not also actually see the airship, except in the FMVs and the world map. You can gain access to the airship though save spheres, which will transport you inside the airship.
Inside, there are many areas, but most of it are just used to transport the diffeent people you meet in the game.
At one point in the game, the airship will be attacked by fiends so you will have random encounters inside.
Final Fantasy X-2
The Celsius serves as the central base of operation of the Gullwings. It is piloted by the annoyingly crazy son of Cid, Brother.
The airship has a basement which pops up some treasure chest every time a new mission is up. There is also an area for a free inn and a shop.
In the cockpit, you can talk to Buddy to let you choose your location (Works just like in FFX's). Talk to Shin-ra and you'll have an access to a variety of information such as tutorial and monster data collection.
Final Fantasy XI
Airships act as a taxi service from one of the three main countries, and a pass must be acquired to use it. Tickets are 200 gil after obtaining this pass. All airships must pass through Jeuno on their destinations, as this is the port hub. Airships can only land and take off in water, and each country has a seaport for this. ~ ffcompendium
Final Fantasy XII
(Images courtesy of
Ships in FFXII, in general, are used principally for trade and warfare. There are also ships that you can ride on to bring you from one city to another, for a price of course.
It is worthy to note that the major airships in FFXII are named after previous Final Fantasy summon monsters.
Final Fantasy: Legend of the Crystals
"Iron Wing"
Can go anywhere but outer space. Has some really good firepower. ~ ffcompendium
That's it!
By Fantasy Gamer
[Credits: ffcompendium / /google]
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