Apart from XII being a departure from the rest of them(except maybe XI) it was a pretty good game overall. Had everything a good RPG needs:
good graphics- quite necessary unless you're playing a classic game like Dragon Warrior 3 or digimon world which didn't need flashy graphics but still played well-what i'm getting at is that i can't play a game with horrible graphics it leaves a proverbial bad taste in my mouth
good gameplay-self explanatory
good storyline-a must-Suikoden 4 was sub-par in gameplay mechanics but still kept me going with the intriguing storyline
good characters-cloud and vaan great characters, imagine if cait sith was the protagonist of VII? would you have played it?
good sound-again, self explanatory- i don't think that the boss battle against safer sephiroth would have been as great without the music that accompanied it.
i guess thats it if anyone has anything to add feel free to add it
and my favorite RPGs are: Star Ocean TTEOT-i'm happy someone finally mentioned it, Jade cocoon 2-if you haven't played it yet shame on you, valkyrie profile, kotor 2, dragon warrior 3 and DW monsters 2-i still need to get to playing VIII, i have it but i havent touched it yet, digimon world 1, 3, DS, and Dusk, fire emblem US and SS, and tsugunai:atonement- the game was garbage but i hung on for the story. there's plenty more so just check my game collection on my profile
i almost forgot
good female characters-yuffie, ashe, rydia, rinoa, terra, jeane(suikoden) lenneth anyone? you guys are with me here right?
randy out....
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