These are un opinionated FACTS about Lod that help me explain why Lod is a averagley poor rpg at best.
Awful menu system that swpas the music out every time u enter the camp screen, and the battle menus were litterally designed in no more than one day.
Absolutley NO post game chalanges or replay values invloving minigames or anything of the sort to keep u entertained when the main story was complete (for the exception of a horrific pig racing game that yeilds no valuble items)
Poorly presented Over world map that blends ugly graphics with terrain that is completley out of place. ex) you go to a forest that is a small little bundle of trees on the world map that is surrounded by plain brown terrain linked together with blue dots to neighboring towns. If they were aiming for this type of world travel why not do it on a similar scale like tactics did or Breath of fire 4 rather than a sloppy 3d rendered dot to dot map that throws forests, mountian hikes, and deep dougens in the middle of nowhere, all linked together by a rail track world exploration system.
For the breif time you are able to travel back to previous cities, you are forced to RE insert the respective game disc that is used when u first arrived at the in game town... ex) if you want to go back to the first town in the game you had to put in disc 1. This is assuming that anyone one whould even want to back track, given that there is absolutley no reason to do so for the execpiton of purchasing weak items from vendors you missed the first time around, wich also makes u wonder why did the developers even bother giveing you a breif sting ray like flyer to travel in the first place.
Any one ever watch power rangers when you were young? those of u that did might rember that for some odd reason when all the rangers were chilling at some random lunch room in school, they coincidentally all whore outfits that matched there respective ranger color, the red ranger guy always whore a red tanktop or t shirt, as did the blue and so forth. This was imedietly brought to my attention in Lod right off the bat, the main character is in red armor.. ok.. thats cool, and he was miraculouy the chossen red dragoon, and lavitz.. ALL of his castelmen where in blue gear yet for some reason... he was in green and what do u have it? yep u guessed it, he became the green dragoon and albert.. just the same? god forbid a little originality, no?
The battle system was based around mindless timing from start to finish..
The graphics were undoughtably underpar for its time, if people want to use that as one of its strong points, wich i think a few have...
The game was never ment to compete in direct to final fantasy, it was a stand alone single title project that was advertised mainly to the us... do anyof you remeber the Lod Comercials seen on many channels including MTV? i do, if you dont then here take a look . A joke in all aspects. The ojnly respectable element the game had was rather nicely done CG scenes, wich were all shown brefily in teh comercial
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