You can steal them from Behemoth, Exoray, Funguar (rare), and Thorn (rare) plus a few bosses.
You can bribe Thorn for 16 Turbo Ethers (500MP) for 81,600 Gil.
You can bribe Funguar for 2 for 10,800 Gil.
You can bribe Exoray for 30 for 148,000 Gil.
They can all be found in the Monster Arena (if you've been capturing them...).
If that doesn't work for you, you can always find / make a weapon with the "Half MP Cost" (need 30x Twin Stars) or the "1 MP Cost" (need 20x Three Stars)abilities. Yuna's and Lulu's Celestial Weapons each come with the 1 MP Cost ability...
Good luck.
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