can i get a decent replacement for slaking on pokemon emerald, without tradeing or cheats, that damn ability of his makes him too unreliable...
if you could give me what stat to get up, eg special att, def, or watever, ill probably breed until i get a good base stat on that stat
ok thanks everyone.Arctic_Warrior
well slaking is one of the best pokemon ever, stat wise, however his ability can tend to get annoying, I suggest cashing him in for something faster like a hitmonlee or somethin I dont know I mean its hard to pick good phyiscal guys without having them be slow, I'm a special attack man myself. Its up to you really, but if you want to keep him then try to up his speed ALOT.
If you play a lot of double battles throw out a Pokemon with Skill Swap (like Alakazam) and have him swap Slakoth's Truant ability, then you won't have to worry about only attacking every other turn!
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