Hello everybody, I'm wondering what your favorite game is for GBA.Just in case you're wondering,my favorite game is Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Red Rescue Team...My favorite for DS is Blue Rescue Team...;)
all of the final fantasy games were awesome on gba but the best was defintely Final Fantasy Tactics Advance. the complex job system and 300 missions and sidequests make it my favorite
all of the final fantasy games were awesome on gba but the best was defintely Final Fantasy Tactics Advance. the complex job system and 300 missions and sidequests make it my favoriteffcecil
I liked both of the Breath of Fire games but my most favourtie game on the GBA would have to be Harvest Moon Friends of Mineral Town. I could spend hours on that game. Good times =D
The one GBA game that I love more than any other is Pokemon Sapphire. It was my first introduction into Pokemon (shamefully enough) but this game has made me want to play all the others because it's so good.
Other than that, the Sonic Advance trilogy. I really enjoyed those too.
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