i don't want to hurt anybody's feelings or anything, but are you still playing pokemon?pokemon is gr8, i started hating it since misty left and may n max came but i still like the original cartoons and especially the games
i find people twice my age in here who are just CRAZY about this mangaTV seriesgames...... well mainly games.
it was kinda fun back when it was new, but i don't think it's interesting anymore.
oh, come on! the games are just repetions of bluredgreen with a wee bit better graphics. and the story and cute cudly (YUCK) characters are definitely aimed at preschoolers and little kids.
what do you think about this?
POKEMON should be banned from the forums?
(i know it's kinda revolutionary but what do you think?)
I have spent more time playing Pokemon then I have playing any other series other than MGS. Its sooo addicting. But I have lost interest lately.
you little faciest dictator......pokemon....banned.....do realize you sound like hitler?.....well just because you let go of your inner child dosent mean the worls has to stop doing stuff cause you dont like it anymore....that pisses me off....serj_tankian05
And little Preschoolers know how to EV train their Pokemon, while fitting a perfect moveset onto a perfect IV Pokemon?
Just because Pokemon can also appeal to a younger person doesnt mean its inferior. I am a fan, and, I will admit, this generation wasn't as good as it could be in a lot of ways. But saying you hate it because it appeals to a wide audience by being a bit cutesy is like saying you hate Gears of War because its graphics are too good. Look at the Kingdom Hearts series. Is it corny? Yes. But that doesnt stop people from enjoying it.
Overall, the Pokemon games DID evolve. There are more IVs, going from 0 to 31, instead of about 1 to 15 in previous games. New moves, items, and strategies can be formed. Double Battles? Last time I checked, they werent in Gold Version. The Battle Frontier in Emerald is loads of fun. Pokemon is a Simple RPG. Its fun. Theres plenty to do in game, with 380-some odd Pokemon to collect over 5 games (this Generation). Theres tons of movesets to create, and test in the Battle Tower (or, the Seven Facilities in the Battle Frontier in Emerald). If they dont appeal to you, thats perfectly fine. Im not impressed with any of the MMO's on the market (WoW, FFXI, etc.). However, people do see alot of things in Pokemon to like. Sometimes we get bored of super violent video games, or playing against people online, and want a good game to fall back on. And, in my opinion, its a great game to fall back on.
i don't want to hurt anybody's feelings or anything, but are you still playing pokemon?
i find people twice my age in here who are just CRAZY about this mangaTV seriesgames...... well mainly games.
it was kinda fun back when it was new, but i don't think it's interesting anymore.
oh, come on! the games are just repetions of bluredgreen with a wee bit better graphics. and the story and cute cudly (YUCK) characters are definitely aimed at preschoolers and little kids.
what do you think about this?
POKEMON should be banned from the forums?
(i know it's kinda revolutionary but what do you think?)
i don't want to hurt anybody's feelings or anything, but are you still playing pokemon?
i find people twice my age in here who are just CRAZY about this mangaTV seriesgames...... well mainly games.
it was kinda fun back when it was new, but i don't think it's interesting anymore.
oh, come on! the games are just repetions of bluredgreen with a wee bit better graphics. and the story and cute cudly (YUCK) characters are definitely aimed at preschoolers and little kids.
what do you think about this?
POKEMON should be banned from the forums?
(i know it's kinda revolutionary but what do you think?)
i agree with you there I liked it when i was about 8 years old and now im 18
I was playing Pokemon one day with my friends for fun at school and we're 13 ( 12 at the time ) and then this 6 year old comes up to us and was like: "Pokemons for losers, god who plays it? When I get back I'm gonna play some GTA with my buds, and you dummies'll be here playing with your Pikachu". Then he named a bunch of cheats for all the GTA games to my friend who likes GTA. :shock: The kid is 6!KevinCamp24
[QUOTE="SilverWerewolf"]i don't want to hurt anybody's feelings or anything, but are you still playing pokemon?
i find people twice my age in here who are just CRAZY about this mangaTV seriesgames...... well mainly games.
it was kinda fun back when it was new, but i don't think it's interesting anymore.
oh, come on! the games are just repetions of bluredgreen with a wee bit better graphics.
i don't want to hurt anybody's feelings or anything, but are you still playing pokemon?
i find people twice my age in here who are just CRAZY about this mangaTV seriesgames...... well mainly games.
it was kinda fun back when it was new, but i don't think it's interesting anymore.
oh, come on! the games are just repetions of bluredgreen with a wee bit better graphics. and the story and cute cudly (YUCK) characters are definitely aimed at preschoolers and little kids.SilverWerewolf
Simple solution: don't read Pokemon topics. No matter what you post here, people are still going to like Pokemon and play the games. Deal with it.
[QUOTE="SilverWerewolf"]i don't want to hurt anybody's feelings or anything, but are you still playing pokemon?
i find people twice my age in here who are just CRAZY about this mangaTV seriesgames...... well mainly games.
it was kinda fun back when it was new, but i don't think it's interesting anymore.
oh, come on! the games are just repetions of bluredgreen with a wee bit better graphics. and the story and cute cudly (YUCK) characters are definitely aimed at preschoolers and little kids.DarkAngel101
Simple solution: don't read Pokemon topics. No matter what you post here, people are still going to like Pokemon and play the games. Deal with it.
[QUOTE="KevinCamp24"]I was playing Pokemon one day with my friends for fun at school and we're 13 ( 12 at the time ) and then this 6 year old comes up to us and was like: "Pokemons for losers, god who plays it? When I get back I'm gonna play some GTA with my buds, and you dummies'll be here playing with your Pikachu". Then he named a bunch of cheats for all the GTA games to my friend who likes GTA. :shock: The kid is 6!SilverWerewolf
What proof do you have that people over 15 and play Pokemon are any dumber then you?
Let me ask you, have you even PLAYED any of the third gen games? Or, let me guess, your judging this because you saw an episode of the show. From what I've read, you've given no proof on why the Pokemon series is bad, but yet slander people who enjoy it. You know why people like Pokemon? Its a game ANYONE can pick up and have fun with. Little kids who dont know much about games can pick it up and have fun. Older people can jump deep into this game, and learn how to make their Pokemon the best by Chain breeding for a perfect move, training against a certain Pokemon so you can get a certain stat by the time your Pokemon goes to level 100, and getting a Pokemon with a certain IV and Nature to get the perfect Pokemon possible. Pokemon is a long game and has replay value written all over it, expecially Emerald version.
Don't judge a book by its cover. Just because Pichu is sickeningly cute doesnt mean that Pokemon is designed for pre-schoolers. If you dont like Pokemon, then don't talk about it. Simple. But dont start firing insults at something (not to be taken rude)you know next to nothing about.
Got old as soon as Misty left. Anyway, yes, I play the Pokemon games (awaiting Diamond/Pearl), but don't watch it anymore because of Misty's leaving. WHY MISTY?? WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYY??????????????????
[QUOTE="snake246464675"]you have no soul SilverWerewolf
I'm just trying to bring together all the Poke-haters of the world and probably make an army and free this world from the sick and vile domination of the furry yellow thing. :D
If I hurt anybody's feelings, I apologize. Please understand that I had gone through a hard Poke-time with everyne around me Poke-jabbering all the time.
Once again, you say you hate Pokemon, but give no reason other then 'People talking about it'. Give us reasons why you feel the need to slander Pokemon and people who play it.
Oh, come on!
You guys know exactly what I mean. I can give you proof that Pokemon sucks.
*As i have stated in my earlier posts: IT'S REPETITIVE!
The gameplay, the pokemon, the bicycle, battle towers, gym badges. It's all practically the same as the older versions of the games.
*A flaw I saw in Pokemon is that the 2nd and 3rd list pokemon cannot be found in te Kanto region in blue green yellow red. Why? the only thing they show in the first season of the TV series is a Ho-Oh. And Misdrevious can be caught as part of a secret in blue green red yellow.
*The characters are too childish at times. It's clearly for little kids and according to me (though i'm not the authority in human psychology) people(adults) who have a profound liking for children's TV shows are RETARDS (sorry people, i had to say it). The game isn't any better either.
"YaY! I caught a pikachu and im 900 years old! Lets celebrate!" - RETARD!
(somebody said something about Guilty Gears. i haven't seen it but i do respect it. it's not the animation or graphics that attracted me to it. it's the concept.)
So, grow UP! no wonder you all act like big babies. still hugging onto your pikachu dolls. :P
*patriotic music stops*
ps: I'm not American
First off, with that arguement, GTA, Final Fantasy, and most other games are repetitive. Each generation, new mechanics and Pokemon are added. The same way they add new weapons, missions, and stories in GTA. Same with Pokemon.
Second, Anime =/= Games. The Anime is modeled after the games. The first generation, only 151 normal Pokemon were obtainable (there were Glitch Pokemon, but those were random scribbles). Misdreavus was not programmed, or existed in the First Generation, so thats a lie. Complaining they make new Pokemon is like complaining about the new missions in GTA. They werent programmed or thought of when the game was made, so they werent in the game. Its as simple as that.
Third, the Anime and the Games are on two different levels. The Anime is pretty bad in my opinion. But they dont have anything to do with the Games, so saying the games are bad because the show is is a useless arguement. In no part of the game does it involve catching a Pikachu and claiming your 900 years old. The fact you generated that weak of an arguement is just plain childish. None of these arguements are legit at all, and contain facts that arent true in the least. You call us babies, but whine about Pokemon, slandering not only the games by creating information that is not true, AND fans of the game by calling us dumb. Thats baby-ish to me. A game can appeal to a wide audience without being kiddy. You dont need Chainsaws and SMGs in a game for it to be fun.
i still love pokemon they came out when i was in fifth grade am now 20 years old. i have all the cards from than tell now and i love the games. but iv never like the cartoon i saw the movie to git the cards. i like that the keep making more it keeps it new. iv been a fan for ten years of the cards and games . iv all so been to the world seres but i drop out because of my mom dieing. but pokemon is still a good gba game and soon to be a good ds game.
First off, with that arguement, GTA, Final Fantasy, and most other games are repetitive. Each generation, new mechanics and Pokemon are added. The same way they add new weapons, missions, and stories in GTA. Same with Pokemon.
Second, Anime =/= Games. The Anime is modeled after the games. The first generation, only 151 normal Pokemon were obtainable (there were Glitch Pokemon, but those were random scribbles). Misdreavus was not programmed, or existed in the First Generation, so thats a lie. Complaining they make new Pokemon is like complaining about the new missions in GTA. They werent programmed or thought of when the game was made, so they werent in the game. Its as simple as that.
Third, the Anime and the Games are on two different levels. The Anime is pretty bad in my opinion. But they dont have anything to do with the Games, so saying the games are bad because the show is is a useless arguement. In no part of the game does it involve catching a Pikachu and claiming your 900 years old. The fact you generated that weak of an arguement is just plain childish. None of these arguements are legit at all, and contain facts that arent true in the least. You call us babies, but whine about Pokemon, slandering not only the games by creating information that is not true, AND fans of the game by calling us dumb. Thats baby-ish to me. A game can appeal to a wide audience without being kiddy. You dont need Chainsaws and SMGs in a game for it to be fun.
CHINCHOUs and LANTURNs can be found in Olivine City, Pallet Town and
Vermilion City which are in the Kanto Region.
In blue__green__red__yellow the second gen pokemon
couldn't be found in these locations. Primarily because they weren't created by the
makers of the game__anime at that point of time. It would have been much better if
each gen of pokemon would be found only in their respective new areas
(kanto, jhoto, honen, etc).
that never happened and is a big flaw.
and the thing about young and old audiences. well, i love anime and manga too
(except pokemon, naruto, and other shojo :P). and i'm of the oppinion that aime and
manga are for all ages. there is nothing wrong with liking an anime even if you are 100
years old :P . this is a free world isn't it?
but.......... if a 50 year old guy loves a shojo like CCS or a shounen
(i really regret calling i a shounen) like poke-..... , isn't there something wrong
with him? some people (maybe you) would say that th guy is in touch with his inner
child. yet, some others (maybe me :P) would say that he's a RETARD it depends on
each person but it's really important to act one's age. isn't it?
and lastly, i never complained that the game is crap because the anime is. i did say
that both are crap (for different reasons) and feel sorry that u didn't understand me
right. and the "catch pikachu, 900 years old" thing was sarcasm, not a point to be taken
and i do agree that u don't need guns or rocket launchers for a game to be enjoyable.
what you really need is good story and good gameplay, maybe even a
sexy female character, but that's optional :P
(kidding, not a point to be taken seriously)
and a misdrevious can be captured in blue__green__red__yellow. it's a cheat (sort of)
i got it from gamefaqs.com :P
Duplicate items
To get WELL 99 of an item, put the item you want duplicated in the sixth item slot. Make sure you have the Fly HM, then Fly to Viridian City. Talk to the old man that stopped you in the begining of the game( kind of to the north) When he asks if you are in a hurry, say no and watch him catch a weedle.
Then Fly to Cinnabar Island, and use the SURF HM. Surf along the right COAST, Not in the water, if you surf in the water it won't work.
Now, use SURF until you run into a Pokemon called ''M'', ''Missingno.'', Or a Pokemon over level 100 Once you see one of those, kill it or just simply run away. DON'T CATCH THE M OR MISSINGNO. AS IT WILL RUIN YOUR GAME!!!
When fighting a high level M if you have a slow pokemon and it attacks you are screwed, as it has a VERY high attack, you can beat him by simply using a quick attack.
after you win/run look at your sixth item it should look VERY weird with wird symbols and such, don't worry all it means is you have over 99 once you use it up alot it will stop using symbols and once the supply gets back to 99 it will show up as ''99''
eventhough it's not given here that M or Missingno. is actually misdrevious, lots of people think so. could be an easter egg,............................................... could be. :D or just another glitch :P
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