My favourite game is Basketball bakyard 07 and mario and luigi super sega i think that there should be a game called luigi instead of every game being mario
Fire Emblem. My other favourite games are all tied for a very close second place. Definitely Fire Emblem stands out esp. since it is not easy and short and the gameplay is very fun.
I would have to go with Advance Wars 2 (for right now). I'm playing that now, and it is one of the most fun games I have ever had the pleasure to play.
Credit goes to Castlevania: Circle of the Moon, the first game I had for my GBA. That I loved to pieces.
Then again, so does the remake for SMB2... Despite finishing it in 2 days.
Right now, I have FFVI plugged in (along with FFIII causing me to wish for a time lapse so I could finish both games without losing my connection to the real world). And yes, I enjoy FFVI.
So, yeah, essentially, I have a different favorite at different times.
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