I post this list all the time, but here's my collection: Animal Crossing Amazing Island Batallion Wars Baten Kaitos: Eternal Winds and the Lost Ocean Beyond Good and Evil Billy Hatcher and the Giant Egg Bomberman Generation* Bomberman Jetters Chibi Robo Custom Robo Donkey Konga Donkey Konga 2 Donkey Kong Jungle Beat Dragonball Z Budokai Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem F-Zero GX Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance Gauntlet: Dark Legacy Geist Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life I-Ninja Ikaruga Killer 7 Kirby's Air Ride The Legend of Zelda: Four Swords Adventure The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker Lost Kindom Lost Kingdom II Luigi's Mansion Mario Golf: Toadstool Tour Mario Kart: Double Dash!! Mario Party 4 Mario Party 5 Mario Party 6 Mario Party 7 Mario Power Tennis Mario Superstar Baseball Mega Man Anniversary Collection Mega Man X Collection Metal Arms: Glitch in the System Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes Metroid Prime Metroid Prime 2: Echoes Mortal Kombat: Deception Odama Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door Pikmin Pikmin 2 Pokemon Colosseum Pokemon XD: Gale of Darkness Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time Prince of Persia: The Two Thrones Prince of Persia: The Warrior Within Resident Evil 0 Resident Evil Resident Evil 2 Resident Evil 3 Resident Evil 4 Resident Evil Code Veronica X Skies of Arcadia Legends Sonic Adventure DX Sonic Adventure 2: Battle Sonic Gems Collection Sonic Heroes Sonic Mega Collection Sonic Riders Soul Caliber II Starfox Adventures Starfox Assault Star Wars Rogue Squadron 2: Rogue Leader Star Wars Rouge Squadron 3: Rebel Strike Super Mario Strikers Super Mario Sunshine Super Monkey Ball Super Monkey Ball 2 Super Smash Bros Melee Tales of Symphonia Timesplitters 2 Viewtiful Joe Viewtiful Joe 2 WarioWare , Inc: Mega Party Games Wario WorldLanceUppercut77
Wow! and I thought I had an extensive collection (45 games)!
I just recently bought a Wii and since I never had a GameCube I thought I'd pick up some of the titles I've been doing research on around this forum. Is there any other "MUST HAVE" titles that I'm missing? Thanks.
I bought
Metroid Prime 1
Metroid Prime 2
Zelda: WW
Paper Mario:TTYD
Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem
Resident Evil 4
Also which one should I start with first?
Skies of Arcadia Legends is a "must-have" if you don't have a Dreamcast. Don't be fooled by the score for the GC, the GC version is superior to the DC version which got a 9.2 score. GS doesn't care for ports. Pikmin 2, Fire Emblem, and Viewtiful Joe may be essential as well, they are in my collection but I haven't played them yet.
Looks like you started off with some real winners.
Wow, you got a wii? Where? I have been looking for one for a really long time.coolSumit_7Randomly walking through Wal-Mart one day and they had 4.
Wario Ware Inc., Mega Party Game$ is a must have. It's a fun "Reaction" family game with all it's quirkiness. MSA64no, just get the wii version if ur gonna get a warioware game. Smooth Moves is far better than the GC version.
I would also look into picking up Tales of Symphonia. It is a very good game, and has a nice story not to mention memorable characters.motangI was thinking about that as I enjoy RPGs. What kind of RPG is it though? For instance what is it comparable to?
Fire Emblem, Tales of Symphonia, Baten Kaitos, Medal of Honor: Frontline, TimeSplitters 2, Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance, Hitman 2, Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes, and Soul Calibur II are all worth consideration, depending on your interests. Whatever you do, ignore LanceUppercut7's list, it's garbage.
[QUOTE="motang"]I would also look into picking up Tales of Symphonia. It is a very good game, and has a nice story not to mention memorable characters.BeErBOnG29I was thinking about that as I enjoy RPGs. What kind of RPG is it though? For instance what is it comparable to? It's an action-RPG. If you really want to know what it's like, you should read previews and reviews and watch some videos. That might help you decide whether you want to play it.
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