Ok I'm using the walkthrough guide on this site and in the game i'm at the wind temple center chamber and the walkthrough says this..... "Take Makar to the sealed door (remember that you'll need to drop down and fan the propeller to access it), then play the "Wind God's Aria" at the door. The next room contains two darknuts. Defeat both and you'll get the boss key. Now return and drop all the way to the lowest level of the central chamber, and unlock the eastern door."
But there's no locked eastern door! I really need help on this one!
Well here's a way that I can explain it, Uhm...after you get the Boss key: Go back to the large open room and drop to floor B1 have Makar plant a tree on the left side of the room to create an updraft the use the deku leaf to go up the socond floor . Land on the platform across the switch you pressed (you know the switch that made the gates of the fan open) and go throught the door
If you have any questions about this, feel free to ask me at any time ^_^
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