Wrong forum? Anyhoo, it depends on what you're looking for. If you want the sexay graphics and home theater functionality, go with the 360. If you want a new way of controlling games and the exclusive Nintendo franchises, go with the Wii.
If you want a home theater, it has to be a PS3. The Blu-Ray format is outselling the HD-DVD format two-to-one. Also, the PS3 has more potential for killer graphics. However, I would recommend you hold off on a new system entirely. It's all horrifically overpriced, and the graphics of the PS2/GC aren't that outdated. Stick with what you've got for '07, man.
get the wii if you like the nintendo games, go with a xbox if you like halo and action games, and go woth ps3 if you think you will use all the extras to their fullest.
It all depends on how much you want to spend and what games you like. You don't need us to tell you what to do. Be your own person and decide for yourself!
As already stated, this is the wrong forum. It would be smart to do some research about all 3 systems (price, games, online). This way you can make the right decision:).
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