Thoughts On GameCube's Downfall....

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#1 DeadMan1290
Member since 2005 • 15754 Posts
Nintendo will stop making GC games and it's good it's about time the GC had some pretty awful i understand it's a Mario original console but damn please change the subject from Mario to something else some may think im insane but those are my thoughts.....
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#2 tobefair
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It's impossible to think you are insane when I have no idea what you're on about in the first place.

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#3 drekula
Member since 2006 • 1152 Posts
Third party will give it a little support, if anything. Gamecube had it's bang. Now we just have to sit and enjoy what we have.
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#5 Duckyhunter
Member since 2003 • 4910 Posts
A few days ago, I read that the Wii was kicking the ever-loving tar out of the 360 and the PS3 in sales.

Today, my original 360 finally broke.

Ducky's Original 360
April 5, 2006 - February 21, 2007
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#6 diangelogrey
Member since 2004 • 932 Posts
Way to go coming to the gamecube forum to slag it off and say good riddance..  Please go away now..
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#7 LordelX
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Nintendo will stop making GC games and it's good it's about time the GC had some pretty awful i understand it's a Mario original console but damn please change the subject from Mario to something else some may think im insane but those are my thoughts.....DeadMan1290

Let me see if I understand what you are trying to say:

1. Nintendo will stop making GC games. Good! It's about time ....So obviously, new Gamecube software being released is very upsetting to you. 

2. GC had some pretty awful (games?), I understand it's a Mario original console, but damn, please change the subject from Mario... So the Gamecube's library consisted of mostly awful Mario titles? You should check out Gamespot's Game of the Year for 2002, 2003 and 2005. All Gamecube games. No Mario titles. 

3. Some may think im insane but those are my thoughts....Clearly you are not insane. A little uninformed, don't put too much thought in what you have to say, and have yet to have a coherent grasp of the English language, but don't worry, that comes with time.

The Gamecube has an excellent library of games that don't include Mario in any way, shape or form. I won't list them here, if you are interested in finding out more, this site has a wealth of resources in which to easily acquire this information. Good hunting. 

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#8 -Murdock-
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The Gamecube has an excellent library of games that don't include Mario in any way, shape or form. 


The word library suggests a large collection. I challange you to come up with an excellent list of non-mario, non-ported titles. I've done my research, I've looked hard, and I'd debate that the Gamecube is lacking this excellent library you speak of.
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#9 ResEv
Member since 2002 • 205 Posts
The Cube was an excellent system IMO.  The only major problem with it was the lack of third party support and lack of games.  That system was capable of pumping out some serious graphics.  I feel the same way I did when the Dreamcast went under, a perfectly unecessary waste of a good system.
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#10 colonel_beeb
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The Gamecube has an excellent library of games that don't include Mario in any way, shape or form. 


The word library suggests a large collection. I challange you to come up with an excellent list of non-mario, non-ported titles. I've done my research, I've looked hard, and I'd debate that the Gamecube is lacking this excellent library you speak of.

I see what your getting at but unfortunately "excellent" also implies opinion and as their are a reasonable amount of games for the GC then its simply a matter of whether you like a large number of  those games. Besides, i know many people who have 40 or so GC games and consider their collection to be great.

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#11 yamum2
Member since 2007 • 5879 Posts
all consoles come to a down fall
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#12 DeadMan1290
Member since 2005 • 15754 Posts
I had a GC and to be sincere it wasnt bad but come on all of yall gotta admit that GC focused tooooo much on mario...
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#13 LordAndrew
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Mario is one of Nintendo's best known characters. But Mario games were far from being the only games on the system. What about Zelda, Metroid, Pikmin, Eternal Darkness, Animal Crossing, and more? And those are just games published by Nintendo. Believe it or not, they had some third party support as well. Maybe you have been focusing too much on the Mario games.
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#14 CLeRKSfan4life
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Timesplitters 2, Burnout 1 + 2, WWE Day of Reckoning 1 + 2, Freedom Fighters, XIII, NHL 2004.

Just some more great GC games that don't feature Mario.

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#15 Superlegtesta
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Timesplitters 2, Burnout 1 + 2, WWE Day of Reckoning 1 + 2, Freedom Fighters, XIII, NHL 2004.

Just some more great GC games that don't feature Mario.

I wouldn't advertise the Cube with these games, but at least it proves that some people can be happy with a few basic games. As for the Gamecube library and the ones complaining it's poor, that just don't make any sense. A console only needs 10 good titles to be a success. Personally, I can't afford to put 30 hours of gaming per week and to play 40 games for the same console. I have the five highest rated titles for all of my consoles, and it's all a normal human being with a job, studies, friends and a social life should need. Oh, and for the Mario debate, the only good Mario game that came out in a very long time is New Super Mario on the DS. Definitely don't start with the Mario games if you're into the Cube.
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#16 lynchdogg
Member since 2006 • 570 Posts
I hadn't used my game cube for a good twelve months but just yesterday I cleaned the dust off and started playing star fox and all the good memorys came flowing back and then I started to think man the Wii is going smash the other consoles this time round.
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#17 LordelX
Member since 2004 • 1376 Posts

The Gamecube has an excellent library of games that don't include Mario in any way, shape or form. 


The word library suggests a large collection. I challange you to come up with an excellent list of non-mario, non-ported titles. I've done my research, I've looked hard, and I'd debate that the Gamecube is lacking this excellent library you speak of.

Ahhhh....Murdock, you evil man, you. You really want to waste my valuable time by having me list every excellent Gamecube game out there? It would take too long. Just take a look at my collection listed in my profile and you will see a collection of 70+ excellent/good Gamecube games. As for exclusives, you are right, the Cube doesn't have many, but I challenge you to come up with two similar lists, one for Xbox and one for PS2. I suspect that such lists wouldn't contain more than 20 games, perhaps less.

Here's a list of excellent Mature rated games for GC where Mario is nowhere to be found. Note that most of these are third party titles:

Eternal Darkness...Resident Evil 0/REmake/RE4...Killer 7...Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes...Splinter Cell...Hitman 2...Freedom Fighters...Prince of Persia Warrrior Within/Two Thrones...Timesplitters: Future Perfect

12 games, that I own. There are more out there like this that I haven't been able to purchase yet.

I think I've proved my point.

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#18 -Murdock-
Member since 2006 • 2767 Posts

Ahhhh....Murdock, you evil man, you. You really want to waste my valuable time by having me list every excellent Gamecube game out there? It would take too long. Just take a look at my collection listed in my profile and you will see a collection of 70+ excellent/good Gamecube games. As for exclusives, you are right, the Cube doesn't have many, but I challenge you to come up with two similar lists, one for Xbox and one for PS2. I suspect that such lists wouldn't contain more than 20 games, perhaps less.

Here's a list of excellent Mature rated games for GC where Mario is nowhere to be found. Note that most of these are third party titles:

Eternal Darkness...Resident Evil 0/REmake/RE4...Killer 7...Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes...Splinter Cell...Hitman 2...Freedom Fighters...Prince of Persia Warrrior Within/Two Thrones...Timesplitters: Future Perfect

12 games, that I own. There are more out there like this that I haven't been able to purchase yet.

I think I've proved my point.


I would love to waste your 'valuable' time and list every excellent Gamecube title that cannot be found on other consoles. Gamecube has some wonderful games, but looking at your collection it seems Nintendo platforms are the only ones you own, and leads me to suspect you may be the least bit biased in your opinion. You listed some decent games, no argument there, but the problem is they too can be found on other consoles with the exception of perhaps two, which means you could have a far more extensive library otherwise.

As for your 'excellent/good' collection of GC games, well you only own 72, and out of those there are nearly a quarter that are questionable:

Craxy Taxi - 4.9
Capcom vs SNK 2 EO - 5.4
Sonic Adventure DX Director's Cut - 5.7
Namco Museum 50th Ann. - 5.9
Sonic Gems Collection - 6.3

The list goes on with more than a half dozen games that are very far from 'excellent', not to mention they're also on other consoles too. I noted the challege to come up with more than 20 exclusive games for the two consoles, when really we're looking at games that can't be found on the Gamecube.

  1. GTA Series
  2. Tekken 4/Tag
  3. Burnout 3 and on
  4. Twisted Metal Black
  5. Gran Turismo 3/4
  6. God of War
  7. Final Fantasy X/XII
  8. Virtue Fighter 4
  9. Jak Series
  10. Ratchet and Clank Series
  11. Indigo Prophecy
  12. Okami
  13. Guitar Hero Series
  14. Dragon Quest VIII
  15. Socom Series
  16. Kingdom Hearts Series
  17. Psychonauts
  18. Shadow of the Colossus
  19. Devil May Cry 1/3
  20. Medal of Honor Frontline
  21. Rez ( just because it's original as heck )
There is my list of more than 20, 8.5+ Gamespot rated games games that can be found on the PS2 (some available on the Xbox), none available on the Gamecube which was really the point of this exercise. I took mercy in only listing a series rather than each individual titles, cause really that would have added up.

I didn't want this to turn into a system wars thread, cause honestly it's about enjoying the experience of gaming and appreciating each console and each company for their strengths. In this same thought we need to understand that every console has their weaknesses and sadly the Gamecube was its small library. There are some great Mario games for the GC and some decent mature ones as well (Resident Evil 4 comes to mind) but with a very small exception there are almost no 'great' 3rd party exclusives for the cube.

I don't think the PS2 or the Xbox is any better than the Gamecube, but you posted a challenge and I think I did a pretty good job of meeting it for a few minutes of work.
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#19 ice_radon
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It was just lack of effort by Nintendo...nothing else.
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#20 cloud31blunt
Member since 2007 • 624 Posts
i had never played nintendo games in my life before gc (hail ps1) but i played gc and my god it put me off nintendo for good i found about 6 good games fire emblem, skies of arcadia, resident evil 4, baten kaitos, ssbm, and tales of symphoria, and all of the series that nintendo was renowned for (zelda and mario) suck ive seen better adventure games in a serial box and i would rather play crash bandicoot than mario by miles. after those 6 games gamecube was dead for me and so is nintendo!!!!
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#21 diangelogrey
Member since 2004 • 932 Posts
Simple solution if people think Nintendo suck so badly.  Dont buy there products.  I honestly doubt any of us are gonna lose much sleep about it and I dont think Nintendo will either...
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#22 DeadMan1290
Member since 2005 • 15754 Posts
i had never played nintendo games in my life before gc (hail ps1) but i played gc and my god it put me off nintendo for good i found about 6 good games fire emblem, skies of arcadia, resident evil 4, baten kaitos, ssbm, and tales of symphoria, and all of the series that nintendo was renowned for (zelda and mario) suck ive seen better adventure games in a serial box and i would rather play crash bandicoot than mario by miles. after those 6 games gamecube was dead for me and so is nintendo!!!!
Amen to that Cloud31blunt you sooo right
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#23 mannholloway1
Member since 2004 • 1183 Posts

Ahhhh....Murdock, you evil man, you. You really want to waste my valuable time by having me list every excellent Gamecube game out there? It would take too long. Just take a look at my collection listed in my profile and you will see a collection of 70+ excellent/good Gamecube games. As for exclusives, you are right, the Cube doesn't have many, but I challenge you to come up with two similar lists, one for Xbox and one for PS2. I suspect that such lists wouldn't contain more than 20 games, perhaps less.

Here's a list of excellent Mature rated games for GC where Mario is nowhere to be found. Note that most of these are third party titles:

Eternal Darkness...Resident Evil 0/REmake/RE4...Killer 7...Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes...Splinter Cell...Hitman 2...Freedom Fighters...Prince of Persia Warrrior Within/Two Thrones...Timesplitters: Future Perfect

12 games, that I own. There are more out there like this that I haven't been able to purchase yet.

I think I've proved my point.


I would love to waste your 'valuable' time and list every excellent Gamecube title that cannot be found on other consoles. Gamecube has some wonderful games, but looking at your collection it seems Nintendo platforms are the only ones you own, and leads me to suspect you may be the least bit biased in your opinion. You listed some decent games, no argument there, but the problem is they too can be found on other consoles with the exception of perhaps two, which means you could have a far more extensive library otherwise.

As for your 'excellent/good' collection of GC games, well you only own 72, and out of those there are nearly a quarter that are questionable:

Craxy Taxi - 4.9
Capcom vs SNK 2 EO - 5.4
Sonic Adventure DX Director's Cut - 5.7
Namco Museum 50th Ann. - 5.9
Sonic Gems Collection - 6.3

The list goes on with more than a half dozen games that are very far from 'excellent', not to mention they're also on other consoles too. I noted the challege to come up with more than 20 exclusive games for the two consoles, when really we're looking at games that can't be found on the Gamecube.

  1. GTA Series
  2. Tekken 4/Tag
  3. Burnout 3 and on
  4. Twisted Metal Black
  5. Gran Turismo 3/4
  6. God of War
  7. Final Fantasy X/XII
  8. Virtue Fighter 4
  9. Jak Series
  10. Ratchet and Clank Series
  11. Indigo Prophecy
  12. Okami
  13. Guitar Hero Series
  14. Dragon Quest VIII
  15. Socom Series
  16. Kingdom Hearts Series
  17. Psychonauts
  18. Shadow of the Colossus
  19. Devil May Cry 1/3
  20. Medal of Honor Frontline
  21. Rez ( just because it's original as heck )
There is my list of more than 20, 8.5+ Gamespot rated games games that can be found on the PS2 (some available on the Xbox), none available on the Gamecube which was really the point of this exercise. I took mercy in only listing a series rather than each individual titles, cause really that would have added up.

I didn't want this to turn into a system wars thread, cause honestly it's about enjoying the experience of gaming and appreciating each console and each company for their strengths. In this same thought we need to understand that every console has their weaknesses and sadly the Gamecube was its small library. There are some great Mario games for the GC and some decent mature ones as well (Resident Evil 4 comes to mind) but with a very small exception there are almost no 'great' 3rd party exclusives for the cube.

I don't think the PS2 or the Xbox is any better than the Gamecube, but you posted a challenge and I think I did a pretty good job of meeting it for a few minutes of work.

You stack the deck in your argument You say Point out twent non-multiplatform games then when someone asks you to do the same you change the rule, you named 13 exclusive games but You cant change up when you want revelance about software. and regardless of rating some of the items on that list are questionable(DMC2 TT).
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#24 -Murdock-
Member since 2006 • 2767 Posts
You stack the deck in your argument You say Point out twent non-multiplatform games then when someone asks you to do the same you change the rule, you named 13 exclusive games but You cant change up when you want revealance about software. and regardless of rating some of the items on that list are questionable(DMC2 TT).mannholloway1

The point is that I had to list games not available on the Gamecube, because if you owned just that console, you wouldn't have access to these other games. It's all about opinion, so I was fair and based it on Gamespot's scores. I don't see what was irrelevant about the games listed, let's see, many were mature games, none were available on the cube, all were above 8.5 in score and are generally accepted as good to excellent games.

[QUOTE="mannholloway1"]regardless of rating some of the items on that list are questionable(DMC2 TT).

Did I put Devil May Cry 2 on there? No, cause it was awful. Please read more thoroughly.
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#25 Jagazaar
Member since 2007 • 1023 Posts
i had never played nintendo games in my life before gc (hail ps1) but i played gc and my god it put me off nintendo for good i found about 6 good games fire emblem, skies of arcadia, resident evil 4, baten kaitos, ssbm, and tales of symphoria, and all of the series that nintendo was renowned for (zelda and mario) suck ive seen better adventure games in a serial box and i would rather play crash bandicoot than mario by miles. after those 6 games gamecube was dead for me and so is nintendo!!!!

Get yourself a NES or SNES. Play some of the original greats. Even try some of the older Final Fantasies, you seem to be a fan of them.

I'm a Sony man these days, but regardless, I still have major respect for Nintendo, seeing as they're the ones that actually revived consoles from the brink of oblivion. And a good deal of the older games are still more enjoyable than a lot of the new ones.

But seeing as you list Crash Bandicoot as a better game/series than Mario, I think it's safe to discount your opinion entirely in this case anyway.
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#26 El_Esbirro
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Well i own a gamecube with 28+ a matter a fact, i owned a GC before i owned a Ps2...i waited 3 years before i finally decided to buy  the Ps2.  Believe me, it was a pretty good darn choice.  The GC has better quality games eventhough the game collection is smaller than the Ps2 collection, but the Ps2 obviously has a large array of games, yet the quality is not that great.  On top of that, if you don't like RPG's you are doomed with the Ps2, and if you like PARTY GAMES, you are beyond redemption with the Ps2.

And up to this date, March 7th, 2007...the best game still is and it will be for quite sometime, RESIDENT EVIL 4.  Nothing still compares to that game...which was a NINTENDO GAMECUBE EXCLUSIVE...but because the Ps2 players started to wonder why only GC, they did took it over to the Ps2.

Why downfall???? i really cannot say....probably because of the lack of third party games, i suppose? i really don't know...all i know is that the GAMECUBE did wonders for me, and it's a pity that is being canned.

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#27 jorgeluisbl
Member since 2005 • 1479 Posts
Nintendo will stop making GC games and it's good it's about time the GC had some pretty awful i understand it's a Mario original console but damn please change the subject from Mario to something else some may think im insane but those are my thoughts.....DeadMan1290

I absolutely disagree with you.
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#28 alayeesquire
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Every console has its "time". You just have to enjoy it while it lasts.
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#29 DarkMagik9
Member since 2004 • 1709 Posts
Everybody had a part in the GameCube not living up to expectations.  Nintendo, 3rd party developers, the games, and the fans all contributed.

There's no point in going into specific details since it would be A LOT of topics to cover.
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#30 JReefer1
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No downfall with games like ; Resident Evil 4 , Mario, Naratou , Soul Calibur , and I pretty sure there are some imports that are worth checking out.Â