It seems like there isn't very much people are saying in the Gamecube forums these days. Threads seem to be limited to only a handful of topics. Just for fun, I thought I'd list the Top 5 Most Annoying Gamecube Threads.
5. Twilight Princess was a disappointment. Yeah, yeah, didn't like Mario Sunshine or Metriod Prime 2 either. We've all heard this a thousand times before. Thanks for your stunningly unique insight.
4. What game should I get? This site has thousands of reviews, player reviews, screenshots and videos. Why bother to look at those when you can just get the jaded opinions of bitter fanboys just as fast? That's right, don't buy that Twilight Princess....worst game ever.
3. Top (insert random number here) games for Gamecube Sure, we all like to make our top whatever lists, but how many do we need to realize everyone is going to choose Resident Evil 4, Super Smash Brothers and Metriod Prime?
2. Favorite character in SSBM? Yes, a great game is the subject of many threads. But when a game is the subject of the same thread over and over again.....well, let's just say that the games greatness doesn't come into question, but the greatness of it's most devoted player's does.
1. Is the Gamecube dead? Turn your Gamecube on. Is there power? Does the game boot up? If it does, YOUR Gamecube is not dead. But you didn't mean YOUR Gamecube, you meant THE Gamecube. Why is it such a big mystery that the Gamecube's new release calender is finished? Why do people in this forum seem to think that something else was going to happen? After 5 years, every console stops getting support after it's successor comes out. There are exceptions, like when the installed base is over 100 million units (PS2, GBA). But the Gamecube didn't sell 100 million units, did it? The mystery has been solved.
So, what threads annoy you the most in the Gamecube forum?Feel free to say "this thread" or insult me if you please, because whatever you say will be a more interesting read than the usual fare. Thank you, for your support.
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