Here are some important notes from the review:
- A mature, adult-oriented story and characters.
- Much better story and more depth than Blue Dragon. Story gives meaningful connections to the characters and gives reasons to care about them, unlike Blue Dragon.
- Kaim's dreams are meaningful and compelling. Stories revolve around such diverse topics as unjust imprisonment, racism, and suicide.
- Although battles are conventional and loading times tedious, the battles are engaging. It's not button-smashing but timed sequences.
- Customizing characters is based off of each other. Every character must be played (even the annoying ones) to upgrade the characters.
- NO GRINDING NECCESSARY! Experience is given upon completion of a dungeoun, chapter, etc., like the Chrono series.
- Uematsu's score is amazing and nostalgic. There isn't a single theme that stands out, but the overall piece is moving.
- Although story is generic that moves you from point A to point B, the game's strength is the compelling characters and their interactions with each other.
- And lastly, Lost Odyssey feels like it's made for those who grew up on the earlier Final Fantasies, with a mature cast and adult-oriented themes. Since past Final Fantasy players are older now, the themes in Lost Odyssey allows us to appreciate its more mature take because of the life experiences to understand them.
Score: 8/10
Not bad. No grinding required! That's the best news so far.
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