Allow me to preface this post with the following: I do in fact own an Xbox 360 and its probably seen more hours of play than every system I have ever owned combined. In fact I would go so far as to say that I could be classified as an Xbox 360 fanboy. In fact I have owned a PS3 twice, the first time being so frustrated with the lack of decent exclusive titles that I traded the thing in. This is meant to temper the reality of what I am about to say.
The PS3 is getting it done in '09.
To look at this in a coldly analytical way look at the metacritic reviews of games for this year.
# of Reviewed games with a composite score of more than 90%
360 - 7
PS3 - 9
So just on the face of things the Sony Machine has put out a greater number of high-quality games this year. The telling statistic is this: Of those games in 2009, Xbox has zero exclusive titles with scores greater than 90%. PS3 has 4 so far. (Demon's Souls, Uncharted 2, Killzone 2, MLB:09 the Show)
Of multiplatform games the PS3 games are slightly less well reviewed in some cases (and rightly so giving the coding foibles of the machine and the much less friendly online experience).
Could it be that for hardcore gamers the PS3 has turned a corner this year? While its sales numbers lag, good games drive console sales. If the system continues producing exclusive games that, frankly, rock - then it cant be long before some sort of relative parity is achieved. Both consoles have their upcoming novelty gag control systems involving motion control which may give Xbox the edge again given the interest in Project Natal - but the gaming outlook for 2010 is bright with PS3 exclusives like MAG, GoW3, The Agent, Heavy Rain, L.A. Noire, The Last Guardian, Twisted Metal, DC Universe Online and FFIV.
Here's hoping that the bar continues to be raised for both platforms - Better games = happy gamers.
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