Good for Sony but it's not surprising. Street Fighter IV, Resident Evil 5, Yakuza 3, a new Dynasty Warriors and I think a new Gundam game...it's expected. What did the Wii have during that time. Nothing! That's what.
So it's really Nintendo's fault they're losing the lead. They have no software to back it up. They're relying too much on Wii-Fit and the old Wii-stuff still. But do you know what? Nintendo doesn't care. They're dominating worldwide and like that article says, Japan is minuscule compared to the worldwide market. Their Nintendo is sitting on the top.
And the 360 poor sales still confound me. It has the best JRPGs and most of the multiplatform hits but it sells less than the PS2!
That is laughable to think "Nintendo is losing the lead" because it got out sold one month by 50%. For how long has the Wii outsold Ps3 in Japan and by how large a margin?He didn't say they were losing the overall lead, merely that they lost the lead over the last few weeks.
And really, who cares how well the Wii is selling? It's easily the worst of the three systems in terms of software so it's numbers don't impress me a bit. Spiderman 3 made about four times what Watchmen made despite the latter being a vastly superior film.
Unless you are a shareholder, Wii sales mean jack-****.
There are a lot of shareholders on gaming boards. I can remember when people use to dismiss the Xbox1 because it was unprofitable, as if unprofitability somehow made KOTOR, Riddick, Halo, Otogi 2, Panzer Dragoon Orta and Ninja Gaiden less fun.
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