@toast_burner said:
@airforcedude11 said:
My feelings exactly
The funny thing is, these people will attack you and paint YOU a bigot for not fully embracing their view
Many people have religious grounds to be offended as well, and while I'm not religious I find it laughable how some PC people will paint them a bigot for it when they're just as hypocritical and bigoted as them
Do you also get offended when you see a black person in the game? (Traditional) Mormons think that black people are inherently evil, so it's quite offensive to them to allow black people in games.
You not being called a bigot because you have a differing view, you're being called a bigot because it seems quite clear that you are a bigot. If you're not a bigot then what is your issue with having a trans character in a game?
See, the thing isn't having an issue with a trans character in the game. The issue is having a trans character in the game solely to make it seem "more inclusive" to people, especially after they were heavily criticized for not being inclusive.
If the character fits within the context of the story and setting, I couldn't give a rat's behind about it. But is that why Ubisoft is making this character AND ADVERTISING THE FACT THEY ARE DOING IT?
If they included the character in the game, with no mention of it before anyone played it, and people discover that character on their own, THEN I can see this not being an issue of inclusion for it's own sake. But Ubisoft are trying to please an audience that doesn't even play their games. People who are perpetuating a false sense of hate and bigotry that in all actuality only exists in their minds. Most gamers, in the real world, who aren't teenage roustabouts looking for attention, are generally going to be more liberal-minded and open to the idea of including any and all people in their hobby.
Gaming is one of the things in my life that's made me definitely more open-minded and desiring to learn about other people's and cultures and WANT to interact with them on more than just a level of "tolerance". Hell, if it weren't for Age of Empires II, I would not have been interested in history and other cultures and most definitely not be the same person I am today. One of the main reasons I made the "adult life" decisions I did (with university degree and overall path) was because of my interest in history and other cultures.
Don't throw me under the bus and call me a bigot because I'm trying to showcase just what's wrong with this "movement" towards including groups of people that honestly, could probably not care less if a member of their "community" is somehow represented in a video game of all things. My most favourite games of all time barely feature humanity or even a realistic rendering of humanity in any way, shape or form. So having a trans-gendered character is not going to affect me either positively or negatively.
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