After playing many many games for each console over and over, I believe I can conclude at least to me, that racing games had the best music 4th gen definately and debatably the 5th as well.
I had made a list of many musics except racing games I found good, and many replays had to be done during this frustrating experiment, and then I put racing game music on a seperate plane, and 4th gen racing game music wins hands down with an actual gap in between.
On the 5th gen side, it's a back and forth switch thing, I believe in the end It will not be the same result as foruth, but for right now as I am continuing the experiment, racing games are higher. but for fourth which took forever btw, racing games win. They have the best and most relistenable soundtracks. IMO.
What do you think of racing game soundtracks? (Note, unless changed for the game, real songs or parts of real songs do not counts as a racing game soundtrack because it's not a game soundtrack.)
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