Hi everyone, think I might be slowly, but surely ending my gaming habit/hobby (addiction?)
I've always played video games, My sister owned an NES and I played Mario and whatever else I could on it, My first system was a Sega Saturn, I played Iron Storm quite a bit, as well as all sorts of Sonic games (I actually recentley took out and dusted off my Saturn.) I more recentley bought a Wii, and an XBOX 360. The Wii, while I player it a lot, (Twilight Princess, Mario Galaxy mostly) is now in my sister's apartment, and is used mainly to play Gamecube games, and Guitar hero games. My XBOX was bought last December, and I love it, I don't have many games (NHL 09, Forza2, GTA4+DLC) and a few more, but i find myself playing games less and less, and watching more DVDs with my Xbox then games. I no longer read game forums, and read game news as much, I spend more time reading forums for movies, books, and real news and politcs. I've always got very good grades, but I spend more time at the campus library, studying and looking up stuff on my own........time i would have previously spent playing a MMO (Which I abandoned, and promised not to go back to after a few months on LOTRO). I find myself getting my Lord of the Rings fix by reading the books again, and watching the movies instead of buying LOTR Conquest. I have even contemplated selling my XBOX and putting the money towards going on a cruise with my friends this summer. I find myself looking at buying Older games and systems, and only those heavy on story and light on hyper run and gun and grind gameplay(PS2,Final Fantasy series games......other deeper RPGS)I rarely see a game worth $60 now a days.
Is it possible to just "grow" out of gaming? I am doing it at the age of 21?
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