So today I was playing a game of L4D2 with friends, so thats a full game of 8 friends. We all know each other, have played with each other before and are aware of each others relative skill level. Well we all set ourselves to random and when steam assigns the teams, I can see from first glance that the teams are quite imbalanced. Basically my team had two players who just purchased the game a couple of days ago vs. a team of complete veterans. Well before the game even starts I tell everyone I don't think the teams are balanced and we should just simply put 1 new player on each team. That doesn't happen as the other team all refuse.
Sufficed to say my team got pasted, two rounds into the game we failed to stop them both times and they've stopped us right outside the safe room both times. Current score 1300 - 179.
At that point I mention again that the teams aren't fair and they should be able to see that. I then suggest a restart with new teams. Once again, they all refuse. So then I decide I'm going to put my foot down and not allow this kind of unbalanced matchmaking to continue and I simply leave the game.
Its then, that one of my friends on the other team starts msging me furiously about how I'm a sore loser and I can't handle the game. He keeps going on and on and on about how I am a rage quitter and I ruin things for others.
Now I realize it probably is rage quitting, and that such a thing is frowned upon but I mean this game was "ruined" for my team. We barely managed to get out the safe room both times. Probably spent only about 2 mins playing as survivors. I think its not too much to ask to have a competitive game, where the scores are close and its not one team steamrolling the other.
This is the kind of game I expect in random games not with friends.
So I ask you, was I wrong for leaving?
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