Am I just a bit odd and am the only person that can sit there for a good half an hour deciding on what game to re-play looking through my library of games?
It always happens when I want to play something else and want to re-play a great game. For the past week or so I have kept thinking about re-playing Resident Evil 2 on my PS1, but then I think of finally completing the entire Tomb Raider series, then I think "I would like to re-play Metal Gear Solid" or get some more achievements on games that I haven't got the easy ones/many on on my Xbox 360. Or simply just deciding which Call of Duty to re-play and get addicted to the online with again... and a lot of the time eventually I will just play the game I have been playing a lot lately, and thensometimes going back to what I was originally going to play then and there 2 days later.
Is there anybody else like this? basically you can sit there for ages or keep putting thoughts off and just play what game you have been playing a lot anyway in the end as you just can't make up your mind?
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