Hi guys.
I bought the new driver game a few days ago and have just finished chapter 5 (of 8 or 9 I think) and a good chunk of the "sidequests" if you will.
So ive been reading a few reviews now and theyre all pretty positive mostly ranging from 7.5 to 8.5 which I think is pretty fair. But pretty much every reviewer is **** about how the story is stupid or all over the place or ridicoulous, you name it.
For those who dont know (maybe a little spoiler warning here, but if you follow videogames you propably already know) the premise is that your character Tanner has an accident right at the beginning of the game, and most of the gameplay takes place inside his head in a coma dream. As everything is just a dream, this gives him the ability to "shift" between all cars at will, also letting him focus to make the car hes driving go a little faster (similiar to a boost mechanic).
What is so strange about this setting is, I guess, that the pretty realistic driving gameplay in a real city collides with something thats almost sci-fi, or supernatural which definitely seams strange at first. It seams like the team had this idea for the undeniably cool shift-feature, but they needed to come up with a justification to have it in the game.
So far so good, but those who pay attention and follow the story closely will find that the whole coma idea is woven into the plot pretty deeply. I dont want to spoil anything here, those who play the game will propably know, but what baffles me so much is that I cant really find a review that goes into a little more detail concerning the story, or a reviewer who seems to really understand whats going on, or even better, sees the MASSIVE risk that lies withing such a story, and how wellt is is realised.
Everybodys always annoyed by how all the big publishers play it safe and release sequel after sequel with very little innovation. But when a team takes a risk, and I really think theyve realised the shift feature and the story very well, everybody seems to point it out as a negative point.
So what are you guys thinking? Did/do you like the story of Driver?
Do you think it doesnt get the praise it deserves as something really brave?
I'm really interested in your oppinion!
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