I know everyone has them. Those nitpicks in games that annoy you.
Most of mine are mechanical. Some of mine are:
-Simon says button mashing sequences - they were great in god of war and shenmue, but it seems as though any game must have them, its like a law or something.
-Classes in RPG's - Really, why have classes in RPG's. Developers are trying to stay with their tabletop fantasy roleplaying game mechanics. Why have a wizard, who is physically weak, but dishes out damage in much the same way as a warrior. Why not just play a warrior? With Tabletop RPG's, wizards were a viable option because they could do things that weren't combat related. But seeing as all games are just combat engines with pretty graphics attached to them, wizards and rougish characters are useless.
- To-Hit-Rolls - Another example of videogames paying homage to their Tabletop Gaming roots. To hit rolls are really only needed in games in which you use your imagination. With visual representation of my character, they become obsolete. The character's animation swings and lodges their sword right in the body of my adversary, but the words *MISS* appear over their head. Umm... what? :? my sword hit him. I know its supposed to be a mechanic that exemplifies growth in the character, at first you miss a lot, then you get better. But instead of missing a lot, why not open up more powerful and useful moves to me other than "swing sword, Swing sword again, Swing sword again"
- My only other qualm has to be in the graphics department. With the power of our systems now, we can render these huge environments, hundreds of characters on screen at once and do insane physics calculations... but my hair and cape is still antigravity and incorporeal apparently? I know its just a little nitpick thing, but developers should focus on the little things before moving on to the big, more complex things.
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