Games definitely seem to be getting easier, which is kinda annoying. It's cool when they add a difficulty setting though; so people who want a fair challenge can choose "hard" while people who are playing the game for the first time and want to be eased into the game can choose "easy."
One game series that I wish was harder is the Naruto Ultimate Ninja series. The story missions are so easy, I'm breezing through every fight with ease in Ninja Storm 3. It's like, why even bother playing through at this point? It's just a formality. I'm just doing it to watching the cutscenes because I like the game's story, and to unlock more characters for when I play the game with my friends. Despite being very easy, it can still sometimes be fun. The pivotal boss fights in the game (the ones with the really well animated quick-time events) are a lot of fun. But they're far and few between.
But one game that I feel has an almost perfect difficulty curve is Tales of Xillia. It also has a difficulty option. Easy, Normal, Moderate, and Hard. I first played through the game on moderate because I wanted a challenge, but I didn't want it to be frustrating. And about halfway through the game, I realized that this game has a lot of boss fights, and I none of them frustrated me. In previous Tales of games, there would be at least a few boss fights that were frustrating. But in Xillia all of the boss fights were challenging, and fair. I didn't feel like I was fighting any overpowered enemies. If they wrecked my party it was my fault, not the games. Then I would play the battle again and be more careful and be able to develop a strategy to win. It's a very well designed game.
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