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Kojima has said that MGS4 will NOT be ported to Xbox. Of course he had a similar stance on MGS2 - but that wasn't ported by Kojima as far as I remember. I'd say there's probably about a 5% chance of MGS4 being ported - and if it DID it would most likely be on multiple discs.
As far as Final Fantasy goes ---- SquareEnix is hurting in their bottom line, and they've become much more open to the 360 in the last year (with 3 or 4 RPGs due to come out on Microsofts console this year).
However, the Final Fantasy series IS their flagship title, and they do want to remain somewhat loyal to Sony. Yet at the same time they want to make more money, and they do recognize that the 360 does have a larger audience outside of Japan.
This one is a toss up. I'd go 50/50 for this one showing up on the 360, if not at launch, then a port six months later.
No chance, Gears of War or Mass effect aint gonna be ported to us so why should we port our games to the 360?Vadoc81
Actually, now that Bioware is owned by EA, I wouldn't be the least bit surprised to see Mass Effect ported to the PS3.
No chance, Gears of War or Mass effect aint gonna be ported to us so why should we port our games to the 360?Vadoc81
Well it's not really up to "us" or "we" it's up to the developer unless they are first party or there has been some form of contract to keep a title exclusive.
Gears of War is a joint IP for the most part between Epic and Microsoft so that is why it's only on the 360 and PCs right now. Mass Effect I believe is owned by Bioware and now that EA has picked up Bioware I believe they can determine if they want to do a PS3 port of Mass Effect.
As for Metal Gear Solid 4 I guess it really all depends on how well it does on the PS3 but even if it does very well which I imagine it will there is still lots of money to be had doing a 360 version as well. Kojima probably wouldn't handle the port though at least from the sounds of it. Having multiple discs probably wouldn't be a problem either. The 360's discs are 9 gigs I believe and from what I've heard there seems to be some things that could be done to help save room so I think 4 discs wouldn't be out of the question.
Final Fantasy XIII is looking more and more likely given Square-Enix's recent happenings such as bringing Star Ocean 4 to the 360 as well.
Unless developers have some vested interest or lucrative contract going multiplatform, at least for 360 and PS3, seems to be the way to go for third parties.
FF13 won't get ported to 360. In the last couple of trailers and interviews Square has said that they're going exclusive to PS3.
If there's one thing I've learned about this gen, its that there is no such thing as an exclusive 3rd party game. I can see both games appearing on the Xbox sometime down the line. I doubt there'd be any problem getting MGS4 on a 360 disc, all they have to do is use some compression.
Likewise, I think theres a chance we'll see Ninja Gaiden 2 and Star Ocean on the PS3
In case of MGS4...Kojima said he wanted to make it and technically no problem to handle but Konami was against it.Maybe they made a deal with Sony or something.If a MGS4:Subsistence or something like that comes out I think it´s possible that it´s coming for PC and 360 too.
In case of FFXIII...on one side the "White Engine" the game is based on was re-written to make PS3,Wii and 360 ports easier.On the other side Square-Enix said offcially no.
In both cases it will depending on the sales.That was forexample the reason Capcoms RE4 was ported to the PS2...they couldn´t get it the production costs.And in case of MGS4 the production costs are really high and they need to sell unbeliveable amounts in one week to get it in.We will see...let´s see whappens in a year.
Nah I dont think so, if MGS4 were to ported it wouldnt look as good as it does on the PS3.billburna31
I don't know about that. Kojima even said he was disappointed with the final product of the game, and I think he was talking about the graphics.
Also, Call of Duty 4 looks identical on both consoles and CoD4 has graphics on par with MGS 4, so it can be done on the 360 just as well.
There are many moments in the game it's self that are basically a big STFU for anyone wanting it ported :P.
There's the now infamous, disc changing scene, there's some funny commentary in the install screen and there's a huge amount of in-game advertising for Sony and Apple merchandise (including using a SIXAXIS controller to work the Metal Gear MK.II).
MGS4 regardless of what people say now will eventually be ported to the 360.
I highly doubt FF anything will ever go to 360.
[QUOTE="billburna31"]Nah I dont think so, if MGS4 were to ported it wouldnt look as good as it does on the PS3.ASK_Story
I don't know about that. Kojima even said he was disappointed with the final product of the game, and I think he was talking about the graphics.
Also, Call of Duty 4 looks identical on both consoles and CoD4 has graphics on par with MGS 4, so it can be done on the 360 just as well.
Actually, Kojima went on record saying that this disappointment thing was a bit of a misunderstanding. I'm sure the 360 can handle MGS4 very well, despite storage media problems, however. What has COD4 to do with everything? Different engines, different games.
I'd say doubtful for both.
We all know Kojima seems to want to keep MGS4 PS3 exclusive, and give the issue of space, I think there's a pretty reasonable chance it will stay that way so long as it sells reasonably well (and 300k day one in Japan isn't a bad start).
The reason I still say doubtful for FF13 was that MS/SE had all of those RPG announcements recently. If they acheived a coup as big as getting FF13 multiplat, I would think that they would be telling us that first and foremost. But since nothing was announced, I say it's less likely that it's going to happen.
WEll its a possiblity still won't save Square enix finances and for mgs well thats up for debate.
but mass effect is coming to ps3.
It's my personal opinion that neither will be ported off of the PS3.
Sure, the original Xbox saw MGS2:Substance but let's not forget that MGS3 came and went with no sign of a port. Take Konami at face value and when they say "We have no plans to put MGS4 on the 360" believe them.
Square-Enix is putting one of their titles exclusively on the 360 (Star Ocean) but I think that's more of an attempt just to diversify with a North American friendly series. FFXIII will remain a PS3 exclusive, just as Square-Enix keeps claiming.
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