[QUOTE="Apathetic_Prick"] if he's gotta check that the shipment even was recieved properly so you could have your wii - and that more than likely was the case - then the jerk here isn't him, it's you. Grieverr
Are you insane?? It's a good thing you don't work retail anymore. Three words for all disgruntled clerks....DO YOUR JOB. If you don't like it, quit. If you're too dumb to score another job, maybe you should pay more attention in school.
The customer is never wrong for wanting to purchase something your store is selling. That's the whole point of the store's existance. Opening a box, grabbing a Wii, scanning in to inventory, and then scanning it out for sale is not a back-breaking task.
The moral of this story is, the customer needs to be more patient with the clerk, and at least ask what's going on. Unfortuantely, after reading your post, I can easily imagine you having taken what could easily bepercieveas a rude tone to the store clerk.Apathetic_Prick
I disagree. As a customer, all you know is that you want to walk into a store and buy a product. It is the clerk's job to say "hey, I need 20 minutes to scan this in then I can ring you up". But to turn away from the customer is wrong. Even if he did go get the Wii, the clerk should've explained why the process was so long.
I wasn't talking about the whole shipment - just the part he wanted, so no, I'm not insane. Don't start a flamewar with me, it's that kind of attitude as to why I'm a formerly disgruntled retail employee.
But yes, a customer needs to exact somepatience. I'm not saying all the patience in the world, but they need to be understanding as well.
He asked if there were any Wii's. Clerk says no. He asks if there's any in the shipment. Clerk says maybe. Now, depending on your computer systems will depend on if you can verify that. If you could verify it from the POS console, then that's the first negative against the clerk. If not, they're in the clear.
Now we move onto the next point - clerk says they have Wii's, pulls one from a box. If it has been received, Clerk's lucky Clerk has a job. If not...Clerk's only negative is not communicating with the customer, which as actually pretty small.
When I was multitasking at work, and multiple customers wanted multiple things, I "primed" my sales by gathering things together; when you're the only one, you have to do that. The customer has to respect that, too. And I'd communicate as I was able; if i had 3 customers demanding 3 different chargers, things could get a little hectic (I don't multitask very well, but that's my own problem).
The clerk may need a reprimand, but the clerk is not the only bad guy here, that's the point. I mean, this is somethign that couldbea small event being blown very far out of proportion. Or it couldn't.
Take it with a grain of salt instead of instantly saying the clerk is the bad guy because the customer is always right BS.
Now, if my inventory was "priority" and i had customers, the company can shove their shipment where the sun doesn't shine if I don't need these things RIGHT AWAY, and that's an ethic that I'll always have. I just don't want ot exercise that ethic anymore - mind you no matter what i do I will, but the scale will be completely different where I'm going. Slight difference with your perception of me, Grieverr. When I take a hard line to something, I come off as being an ass, but that has more to do with the fact that I am. I'm trying to present a point of view that's ignored in retail, which is the consumer's own ignorance to what's going on around them. If a clerk doesn't say how much time it might take, the customer can at least ask - they don't have to, but they can.Sometimes the presence of mind just isn't there (and I can testify to that, if i forget my morning dose of caffeinated tea and ginseng, I could be right up the creekwithout apaddle).
If the clerk's a dick, go to a different store, report the instance to head office and leave it at that.
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