So I'm watching Seven, and it got me wondering...I haven't heard much about any detective games. Seven was a good movie. Law and Order is popular. So why don't people make more detective videogames?
I think you could do a lot with a detective game, with today's powerful videogame consoles and PCs. Wouldn't it be cool to be in a massive city, and to be able to roam around freely looking for clues?
How many of YOU would be "down" with something like that? I know I would. Sure, it'd be slow most of the time. But you could speed up the clock, so that you don't have to REALLY wait a long time to get DNA test results back. You could spend time interviewing potential witnesses, researching'd be badass. And when you find a major clue and get one step closer to "cracking the case", it would provide a real sense of accomplishment.
What about you? Would YOU buy a game like this? And are there any games like this?
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