I pre-ordered this game and for a while I had a lot of fun with Fallout 4. I put in exactly 100 hours and I will get back to it (once I finish FF9, and the two Riddick games on my Games to Beat list), but I will admit, it is more Far Cry than Fallout now.
Other people have expressed these same complaints in better ways, but I'll try and re-articulate them for you. In Fallout 3 and New Vegas (more so in New Vegas), you often times have the option to not kill, but follow a questline and see the outcome happen a different way. For example, F3 had the Paradise Falls quest where you could either enslave all of the people on Eulogy Jones' list and bring them back to him and be evil, or you could kill all of the Paradise Falls' guards and free all of the slaves. New Vegas had so many factions that had you choosing different sides and there was a certain point when a decision you made would impact the other factions you could have gotten positive/negative feelings with and you would eventually not be able to continue in their questlines because you were favoring NPR over Caesar's Legion or Yes Man or whatever. In both games you could do quests that did not have to lead to killing people (just enemies like feral ghouls or super mutants, etc). You could send a crazy bunch of religious ghouls to the moon in a rocket in New Vegas or you could have it fail, you could blow up Megaton in F3 or you could use your Mechanical skills once they reached a certain level and disable the atom bomb, thus making the mayor like you and the shady guy in the bar hate you for not taking that special opportunity. Sometimes in these games, there were 3 or even 4 outcomes that could happen with some of these quests. Hell, I heard there is like 17 different endings in New Vegas depending on all the different choices you made with each one of the factions (even though all it ends up doing is being a slideshow montage with Ron Perlman saying a new line or omitting one depending on what you chose to do).
The bottom line, is that Fallout 3 and New Vegas have creativity with the quests, which is the most important part of these games.
Fallout 4, on the other hand, FAILS super hard in this aspect, unfortunately.
Fallout 4 has awesome gunplay. No more are you moving around at a slow pace with a wooden sort of walk to avoid enemy fire. Now you can sprint (use up AP) to hide behind cover and firing your weapon is much faster now. Guns don't degrade (which I like) and the aiming is nice as well. It is a very neat FPS with light RPG elements now. The music is the best it has ever been, imo. The background music is a lot better, but I do kind of miss Fallout 3's background theme sometimes. Also, many of the old songs from F3 are back in this one in addition to new ones as well. The radio has 2 hours of music tracks and then there is another station that has violin classical stuff on it. The graphics are fine, better than the previous ones, but of course its no MGSV or Witcher 3. Collecting junk is nice because everything has a use, whether for gun mods or adding to make your settlement look better or have more beds or better looking houses is up to you. Personally, I hated that the range of armors feels very limited. I thought New Vegas had more armor sets than this one. The power armor is cool, but I don't like the fact that if you run out of the cores (which might take a while because you eventually can get a lot of them), you are unable to even use the power armor.
The world is awesome. It is filled with very neat locations and many of them are very neat like an overpass that goes for a long way over part of the city. There are skyscrapers that you can go up into taller stories. There is the radiated bottom part of the map that is filled with deathclaws and radscorpions that will kill the shit out of you and you need to wear power armor there or the rads will also kill you. Its also thundering down there and it makes for a scary change in scenery. There are some really eerie and awesome locations that I can see would fit in a post-apocalyptic world.
And then there are the quests, which suck. There are a handful of quests that do not involve killing and are creative. I won't go into detail because spoilers (didn't do that for F3 and New Vegas, but those games have been out for 6+ years now)...but there are some, not many. Most of the quests have you going to retrieve something for someone and/or killing everyone there. There are factions, but it is not as well thought out as New Vegas was. I didn't feel that my choices really had much more meaning than just to anger the opposing faction, maybe. One guy said it best on these forums. You stumble upon a neat looking area, think "wow this is really cool, I wonder if I'll be helping someone like Moira test out a repellant stick on molerats or scope out some alleyways and streets with a suspicious "bodyguard" with thugs playing dead in New Vegas" then "Nope! I'm just clearing out all the ghouls". Wow! Look at this metro station, could there be some new thing I could do here-Nope! just killing all the raiders here. You go to a new place and wipe everyone out and do it all over in each part of the game that you visit. The creativity from the past 2 games is gone now. Sure it is a fun shooter, but there is not much Fallout in Fallout 4 anymore, because what drew me to Fallout was the creative quests and the feeling that my choices made a difference. I could either save, or kill, or sometimes go a completely new route that I never would have thought about. There is no karma system anymore, which really screws up the feeling like a good guy or nasty villain out to screw everyone, kill, and make slaves of people like you could do in the past.
I know I put a lot of words into this post when you probably won't read that much of it, but I put a lot into this game. It sounds silly, but I wanted this game to be the best game I would ever play. I've played a lot of games, A LOT OF GAMES! I loved Fallout 3 and New Vegas. I like this one, but it doesn't feel much more than Far Cry pretending to be Fallout, sadly because I'm usually either just killing everything or retrieving something for somebody so I can get 50 caps. They put too much effort in the mechanics, graphics, settlements, mods, and voice acting, and forgot what made Fallout 3 special and different from other RPGs and shooters on the market. And that is why this game is sadly, a mild failure. Not a total failure, it is still fun to play. But it does not totally feel like Fallout. Some of the main quests are cool though...the ones where you aren't killing everyone in a building or whatever.
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