These include: Consoles: Crash: Wrath of Cortex AAA Crash:Nitro Kart Crash: Twinsanity AAA Crash: TagTeam Racing Portables: Crash Bandicoot: Huge Adventure AAA Crash Bandicoot 2: N-tranced AAA Crash Nitro Kart(Different Game) AAA Crash Bandicoot Purple.AAA My favorites are the ones with "AAA" next to them. Anybody else like any of these games?
WoC was the last good, classic crash game. The GBA games were all pretty good, never played CNK on GBA. The Gamecube Nitro Kart was great. felt like a new CTR.
I liked Crash bandicoot the wrath of cortex :) I remember getting an xbox after my 5th grade graduation back in 2004 when I was 10. This and Fuzion frenzy were my first games on it.
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