Halo: Reach's release date is September 14th of this year, now many Halo fans are excited that it's going to be released this early this fall. However I find it to be a bit too early, I think this game should have one or two more months in development so Bungie can make the game longer and more polished. I'm getting the feeling they'll just rush it for deadline and it could turnout to be one of the years biggest disappointments. Halo 3 did seem a bit rushed; the visuals didn't look as good as it could've been, the story seem to have only 10 pages of script, and the single-player was too short. Halo 3 was released in September 25th, Halo Reach is cutting it 10 days shorter. I don't want to experience another disappointing campaign and storyline like I did with Halo 3.
If Halo Reach ends up being a disappoinment, then I'll have; Medal of Honor, Call of Duty: Black Ops, and Crysis 2 to look forward to. Those games could potentially be some of the year's best first-person shooters, if not some of the years best. Maybe with Halo Reach too, but I can't say that with such a early release date.
Who else thinks it should in a few more months in development?
Release dates mean nothing, if a game is finish release it, So your saying Mario Galaxy 2 sucks cause it came out in May instead of November? How about RDR? Do I need to go on and tell you how silly your sounding, you didn't like Halo 3 and ODST? That's your opinion, but both games got great reviews, weather this game comes out in September or November it really wouldn't be that different, two more months isn't going to help the game out by that much, if you didn't like Halo 3 that's your view, but a release date of a game has nothing to do with the quality of that game, RDR, Galaxy 2 and Mass Effect 2 all came out in the first half of this year and they turned out to be fine......so I'm not getting where your comming from with this topic, because your crazy if you think Halo Reach comming out in November instead of September would make it 10x better.The difference between Halo Reach and the game you've mentioned, is that those games have been longer in developtment than Reach. Reach just started in developtment by the time they've shown the very first teaser trailer at E3.It may seem like I'm implying that Halo 3 is a bad game, but the fact is: I like Halo 3 a lot, but primarily for it's online multi-player. The single-player was fun but utterly forgettable. I can't say much about Halo 3 ODST because that game is an expansion pack, where Halo Reach is a full fledged game. Also, just because a game is critically acclaim doesn't mean it's as great as they're made out to be. Modern Warfare 2 is a fun game, but it was filled with flaws that so many critics overlooked, because they fell for the hype.
Just becaue you think there were flaws in Halo 3 doesn't mean everyone has to agree with those same flaws as well, all your doing is saying since "I have a problem with something everyone else should as well", your wrong, that's your opinion on Halo 3, nobody has to agree with you at all on that, it's a called having a opinion, I personally think H3 is the most complete shooter this generation, was it perfect? Nope, but peoples opinions are peoples opinions, Show me a article that says Halo Reach just begin developement? I'm sorry your wrong it's been in developement for 2-3 years that's the same time that H2 and H3 and ODST was in developement as well, two more months means nothing in game developement time since most games are finished 4-6 weeks before they come out, just because you find something wrong with a game doesn't mean that everyone should have the same problems that you have with that game as well.
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