just wondering.....it's just so boring......it's like a chore. I was just inside the Chozo Ruins until I said WTF and threw it out the window. Will things pick up or just stay the same....?
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just wondering.....it's just so boring......it's like a chore. I was just inside the Chozo Ruins until I said WTF and threw it out the window. Will things pick up or just stay the same....?
It's a love it or hate it thing. It's exceptionally easy to see why someone wouldn't like it. You have to be in the right mindset to play it. The first time I just ran through the game ignoring the scans and not attempting to forge my own narrative, I just looked for events and things to do when in fact the looking itself is a key part of the game.
If you are wondering, it doesn't get any better, and if you want ot enjoy it you might have to complete the game first or get a good deal of the way through before it hits you as to how the game is supposed to be paced and played.
It's still one of my favourite games of last generation, but it's no doubt aimed at a very particular sort of person.
My only advice is to turn the hint system off because it gives you a sense of purpose. When you have that purpose you end up just going from point A to B and missing the whole point of the game. Just wander around seeing what you can find and try not to worry about whether you are progressing or going in the right direction, if you develop and exploring instinct you'll find that your wanderings tend to guide you in the right direction anyway.
All the reasons I liked Metroid Prime 1 and 2 are the reasons I don't like Metroid Prime 3 so much. Metroid Prime was easily my favourite game for the Gamecube. Highly imersive with stunning graphics for the time and a somewhat unique combat system which just worked with the great controls designed for it. It was like your own world to exlpore. There where many hidden items and power-ups that you didon't have to collect but could. There were many different routes you could take to places. All the lore you could scan just slowly revealed a highly detailed plot that would still leave you scrathing your head until you go for another round of this highly enjoyable experiance.
I also thought the detail given to enemies when scanned them were fantastic. It included their origins, how they live etc. Of course, the whole experiance was topped off by some very cool moments like the crashed pirate frigate you could re-explore underwater or when in the ice laboratory's and the electricity shuts off. But of all things, it was the outstanding boss fights that won me over. Metroid Prime 2 expanded on this, added a dark and light world of everything and added several more layers to an already deep plot. Now you have Space Pirates, phazon again, the Ing you want to rid off for the sake of the luminoth and a dark Samus?? The Ing could also take control over enemies in the light world and posses them given them extra strength.
Now Metroid Prime 3, to me, was not a Metroid Prime game. It was definatly Metroid, but it didon't feel like it was part of the Metroid Prime series. They had to call it Metroid Prime because the plot was continued of course. But they went the route of appealing to a broader audiance and using a much simpler level design, fewer and shorter lores and less information on things you could scan. The combat was changed quite drasticly in that you were now free aiming which great and was one redeeming quality of the game. But everything else was just toned down for a broader audience. Only three weapon upgrades of which just upgraded the power??? Sheesh.
There wasn't even any cool underwater segment this time, infact you couldn't go underwanter at all. What the hell? Well, despite the changes, it was still a great game that I highly enjoyed. But it was a disapointment to me in the fact it was Metroid Prime 3, which it really wasn't. If it was part of a different Metroid Series I would of probably been much happier and would of wanted them to make a true Metroid Prime 3.
I totally agree with WizzyKid about the problems with MP3 - the changes Nintendo made to appeal to a wider audience sort of stripped the soul out of the series. Metroid Prime has always been about the moody, isolated atmosphere and feeling of mystery/discovery, something that was kind of diminished in MP3.
Articuno76's assessment is also spot on, and the situation he described actually occurred with me - while I loved the Chozo Ruins, I had to play through a lot of the game before I really "got it," so to speak. However, I think that having the hint system turned on can be a good thing for some players - it only gives you a general sense of where to go, so if you're easily lost it's really helpful.
I got to the part where you have to go backtrack through the entire game and haven't started it up sincve
that was probably 2-3 years ago
Well that is in all Metroid Prime games. Also, I really like the backtracking as usually the enemie's are very different than before.
For me tough, I loved Metroid Prime because the gameplay was soooo good. The controls were top notch and the variety in the enemies was superb. I had the hint system on just so I knew how far I was to obtaining an item and a general idea of where it would end up in the direction I was heading (Metroid Prime is one creepy game when playing it at the age of 10).
Its good but very much overated. I found the most annoying part about the game was the fact that when you needed to do backtracking in say a place like chozo ruins later on, they added in tougher enemies which made it slower. Those damn chozo ghosts were particularly annoying.monkeysrfat
To be fair, a majority of the time when you re-tread ground you have new abilities so the number of areas you can branch off into from the backtracked area increases, as well as the fact that there are some nice event changes. TBH it's hard to see how you can create an adventure/exploring game without having to go back, otherwise it would be linear.
just wondering.....it's just so boring......it's like a chore. I was just inside the Chozo Ruins until I said WTF and threw it out the window. Will things pick up or just stay the same....?
maybe you should try Super metroid for the SNES...or a metroid game on the gameboy advance..they way better
i don't like it and the controls are badpatriots2871
TBH I think the issue people have with the controls is lack of familiarity, not that they are actually bad. MP does everything right, the controls are such that everything is readily acessible. Being able to free look around, although it would ease the players mind if they are accustomed to FPS, it ultimately doesn't add much to the game and is used so infrequently that the games' fashion of looking up and down worked fine in context.
I found the dual analog style of control much harder to grapple with, for obvious reasons; two sticks are harder to handle than one, and what that one stick doesn't do, you don't need.
After playing an FPS for a while it does take a little getting used to the odd way corners are taken so sharply, but it is something you should be able to get over in an hour at best.
haha not me...
IMO Metroid Prime is the best console game I've ever played and one of only 3 games I've ever given a perfect score.
Check out my review:
Thinking about playing it makes me want to kick a puppy in the face out of anger. I've tried playing it many times, and each time I'm left going "Why...Just why is it so bad?"Im_single
haha, you need to stick with it, most people have an aha moment somewhere along the lineif they stick with the game, and after that, well, they love it.
people who don't like it are usually those who didn't play much, probably didn't even beat Flaaghra yet!
Those who stick with it often absolutely love it, and it gets better and better each playthrough, geez, i want to play it now!
Its not an easy game and it isn't mindless, if you want easy non-challenging games play WindWaker.
If you want your mental skills tested or to become a more skilled gamer, Prime is a great game, once you get over the hump, you will always love it. on each playthrough you notice more and more on how thoroughly made this game was. Masterpiece!
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