Code Veronica has so much more potential. First of all RE3 was limmited by the PlayStation and the environments are too claustrophobic for a city... they would have to change the game too much to where it is unrecognizable.
Secondly it is uncompelling story wise and was not meant to be a numbered title
Finally it mechanically will not work and turn into more of an action game. Dodging will make the game too easy for veterans. Nemesis will scare off newer players and just will be too hard to program.
Capcom has hinted RE3 Remake is on their next list but not a priority at this time however. RE3 should be remade first so that it stays consistent with 2, and Code Veronica was a Dreamcast (later PS2/GC) game so it was already substantially more advanced visually, so it would make sense for it to get a next-gen remake probably. Anyways, whatever Capcom do, I can hardly wait!
Not really, Resident Evil 3 is a great game. And a fan favorite. Began the Mercenaries, implemented many mechanics used in games following its release (Code Veronica features never returned for good reason). Pursuer is one of the best, scary and persistent enemies in the series. We get to explore more of the city before its destruction. And because of Lisa Trevor in Remake, Capcom can give Pursuer further lore and features
Code Veronica has so much more potential.
Have to disagree. Had first person nonsense, the first game in the franchise to be extremely convoluted and overly linear progression, weird duel guns ripped from Tomb Raider, and a family lore based around incest.
While I don't think it's worse than Zero, or Resi6. It is one of the weaker entries_
Finally it mechanically will not work and turn into more of an action game
I would argue Code Veronica was more of an action game than Resident Evil 3. Especially the Veronica X edition which brought us kung-fu Wesker. And the already mentioned duel weapons and first person content. Bleh
Nemesis will scare off newer players
How dare Capcom use a Survival Horror feature in a Survival Horror game
I want Dino Crisis next. I suggest fans try to remake it, wait for Capcom to shut the project down with copyright claims and make their own version after noticing how liked the fans' version is. That's how RE2 came to be.
It was also only a few weeks ago Yoshiaki Hirabayashi san (producer at Capcom) went on record stating Capcom is interested in making a Nemesis remake, if it's what the fans want next. Which followed with the public questionnaire on the future of Biohazard/ Resident Evil with REmake 2 feedback.
Capcom has hinted RE3 Remake is on their next list but not a priority at this time however. RE3 should be remade first so that it stays consistent with 2, and Code Veronica was a Dreamcast (later PS2/GC) game so it was already substantially more advanced visually, so it would make sense for it to get a next-gen remake probably. Anyways, whatever Capcom do, I can hardly wait!
Seeing how great RE2R is I have no doubt RE3R will be amazing.
I have replayed the original RE2 and it is different yet still similar ... but everything is different, the layout of the police station is different, where you find Marvin etc even the intro is different ...
So wierdly enough the remake stayed true to the original game while making it completely different.
I really enjoyed the RE2 remake. RE3 was one of my favorite RE-games and I hope for a remake. Code Veronica was ok, but I thought the whole Alfred/Alexia story was very weird and didn't really fit into the other games.
Would love to see Code Veronica next. It was the only RE game that interested me back when it was originally released. I never got around to playing the others until years later.
Umm, we kinda WANT a Resident Evil 3 Remake! Don't we?? I know that I do! Resident Evil 3 is my favorite in the series! It had way better action than 1 and 2!
Aaaannnnd Capcom already has resources to reuse too. We already got the Kendo Shop, the Raccoon City Police Department and a good piece of Raccoon City. All they gotta do is fill in the blanks.
@nepu7supastar7 said: We already got the Kendo Shop, the Raccoon City Police Department and a good piece of Raccoon City. All they gotta do is fill in the blanks.
Kendos Gunshop doesn't make an appearance in Resident Evil 3 at all. About 90% of the game is also different districts of Raccoon City (hospital, outskirts, park, and clocktower) if Capcom is still following Outbreaks overall layout of the city Resident Evil 2 mostly takes part in uptown Raccoon City.
And if the remake for Resident Evil 3 wants to be distinct? Think it would be better if they skip the police station entirely. I mean seriously. . Jill goes purely for a lockpick, Brad can really die anywhere and no one would care. It's a very brief part of the game and only contradicted some of the previous games activity such as why is Marvin knocked-out and Jill doesn't even attempt to aid him?
But the RPD was in the original game! Why would you take it out? True that it wasn't as significant as it was in RE2 but it was awesome to be able to go there as Jill!
@nepu7supastar7: It's a personal thought just think if you have the police station, make it minimal even more so.
Perhaps have Jill viewing it from a great distance and Brad running out to be killed per usual. Jill picks up the lock pick from Brads corpse stating "no going back now". Moving away from the police station can bring up other areas, like the zoo for example.
Would prefer greater emphasis on the dispatched mercenaries like Mikhail and Nikolai as well. Who in my opinion are characters deserving of more development.
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