[QUOTE="PlaWeird"] Everyone who are interested in story following wants to buy JRPGs. I love it that you can just live with the story and be part of the characters' thoughts and history.
WRPGs are just full of guns and noisy stuff.
Geez, you sound just like my brother :D
Once again, showing total ignorance, many WRPG's have deep stories that match or surpass any JRPG, and they do not have the outdated restrictions and overly reliance on dragged out cut scenes and linear gameplay, and a lack of choices you have in those games. JRPG's are everything that is wrong with gamong, refuslal to change.
change is overrated, and it often brings blind individuals that f***s up others without remorse. Like Nazis
anyway, Story in JRPG and WRPG both has their values.
JRPGs often NEEDS to be linear. Many of their stories are deep and complicated, but that's not all. They are also subtle. To give player's choice in that matter, would change many of their subtle touches and ruin the entire story. Eternal Sonata is good example. Change one thing in there, and give a choice to player in that game, and you simply might ruin that delicate story.
Also, JRPG does experiement many with stories. Even back in SNES era, when Western developers treated story like how porn director would, Star Ocean comes with interesting interaction method called Private Action, that allows you to interact with party members and show individualism and characteristics of each party members and your relationship with them.
Recently, Persona 3 managed to make interesting and unique story telling using social links.
Suikoden 3, also tried to use interesting story telling technique by telling stories in multiple parts and then allow the player to choose main character.
Dragon Quest V (? was it IV?) had hours of gameplay without main character even appearing. How unique is that?
Compared to this, most WRPG is just focused with creating a fantasy world that people tends to like (whether it is dragons and knight or sci-fi) and give you as much choice as possible, with less emphisis on creating unique story of their own. Mostly they use cliche plotline, but gives players plenty of choices to make it unique. KOTOR people said was unique and great, but in my eyes, it was quite predictable and rather plain and traditional.
Not all JRPG does story well, and at times their unique approach goes wrong direction often, but story alone are often interesting enough for people to seek for JRPGs. It's not even matter of how you tell the story, but story itself, is often unique and interesting. That almost never happens in WRPGs.
Gates of Oblivion is opening and you need to seek last remaining heir to the throne, is not summary of a story I'd be interested in.
Exploring the dream of Chopin in his moment of death, now that sounds unique and interesting story I'd like to give it a try.
That's the reason why JRPG will always have fans.
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