If u think about it, we have the tech to make better games then we already have.... Does anyone agree?Ax530ontO
YEP! WE DO! But well few can be bothered and half ot the developers haven't got the hardware or money. Games could be a lot, lot better...the only thing that seems to have improved is graphics and physics...Gameplay really hasn't gotten much better at all, longetivity is terrible todays gen and story of games today can be very good but they can also be pointless and terrible...I mean you think with the stories they do now makes you wanting a giant epic battle...but few games have that effect. Honestly they should remake every game from N64, PS1 and Dreamcast games in todays graphics and physics and they will own almost all games today...don't get me started with this because I can name at least 100games that could be number 1s todays gen if they were remade. The old games back then were brilliant the only thing wrong with them is you wanted more...more side missions...more story...just more...then we skip PS2 gen to get to this gen and almost all games now are lacking something serious. Need remakes!
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