I recently played through New Vegas: Dead Money and enjoyed it for the romp and then made the mistake of reading Gamespot's review for the game. What I saw was a reviewer who played through the game one way, then complained about the choices he had made in the game and also ramble about some additional optional things he did. This made me curious so I started looking up other reviews on different games from different sources and I see a strange pattern here: RPG reviews are the worst reviews I've ever seen on games.
Its shocking the amount of factual errors, favoritism, one sided comparisons and half truths these reviewers attempt to pass off as professional journalism. That Dead Money review alone is inconsistant (The review complains of the dangers yet states the most useful companion perk is one that can kill the creatures in the game for good, the same thing a single bullet can accomplish, not the ones that make you survive longer in hazardous zones or gives you more time to disarm certain traps) Then states that all of companions REQUIRE fetch quests when they don't. Simply by talking to the characters or exploring the map you can find alternate means of helping the companions. I could go on just about this review alone but i've seen a whole bunch of odd gripes that apply to one game and not another.
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