I have read this interesting discussion on the same question on many sites and would like to say that, "No the SP games are not dying in fact they are still a popular genre for those players who enjoy a very good story with twists and turns, like in adventure games". I started playing the games way back in the 1987 back then there were just console games not the modern ones of course but on it playing the games by hooking it to our television sets was a way to remain occupied, back then the games were also not those Hi-Res games of top quality as seen in modern AAA ones but still it was very enjoyable and they were all SP ones or 2 players max. then came the era where PC games became more popular and the cost of owning one PC was also within reach of average person, in those came the games like Road Rash, Chronomaster, Dink Smallwood, Doom series, Quake series, Castle Wolfenstein, Hexen series, AOE series, Half Life Series, Serious Sam series, Starcraft games, Resident Evil series, The Elder Scrolls series, The Longest Journey, Dreamfall: The Longest Journey, Dreamfall Chapters, and many many more all of them were SP ones. While most of them did shift to MP but still the players who played the SP ones still hold on to it till date. Will SP games / campaigns die? that would depend on how good a story tellers the present / future developers are or would be, That would eventually decide the fate of SP games. But as long as there is a very good immersive story behind a game that would enchant the players and keep them engrossed in it the SP games would never die because storytelling never died even after generations of being in existence, so how long would MP games keep the players occupied? sooner or later they all would have to return to the stories and that is what would keep the juices of the SP games running on and on.
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