the ps2 has
shin megami tensei: nocturne,shin megami tensei: digital devil saga 1 and 2, disgaea, disgaea 2, suikoden 3, 4, and 5, phantom brave, ar tonelico, final fantasy 10, 11, and 12, tales of the abyss, tales of legendia, dawn of mana, atelier iris 2 and 3, kingdom hearts one and 2, odin sphere, the harvest moon games if you really count those rpg's,makai kingdom, 6 .hack games, all the shadow hearts, all the grandia games, all the wild arms games, dragon quest 8, rogue galaxy, all the xenosaga's, shin megami tensei: devil summoner, radia stories, shining force, and plenty more.
and not to mention persona 3 and soul nomad are coming out this year. it will be a LONG time when the DS gets more jrpg's, thats if, if it does. right now, it doesn't even come close.
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