Are there any key differences in Gamplay for PSN and Xbox live

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#1 ThizzThizwhatIs
Member since 2007 • 83 Posts

I know all the gimmicks are fine and dandy, but my issue is there any difference in gameplay for games online between the PSN and X360. Jus for my own analysis, i owe both and i love them equally but to me there really is no key difference in the balance of what im really online for PLAYING OPPONENTS, im not there to chat or make friends, i hate to sound cold but im not even there to hear people voices my object is to win and crush anyone in my way, I have a social life and i don't need a system to strengthen that for me. Neways i need to know what other people think is there any difference for the main reason y most ppl r there.

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#2 PBSnipes
Member since 2007 • 14621 Posts
Not as far as I know. I suppose PSN could have the slight edge because more games support dedicated servers, but you could just as easily say the 360 has an edge because of the standard headset.
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#3 Funkyhamster
Member since 2005 • 17366 Posts

Not as far as I know. I suppose PSN could have the slight edge because more games support dedicated servers, but you could just as easily say the 360 has an edge because of the standard headset. PBSnipes

Dedicated servers are kind of overrated anyways... they tend to be rather finicky in Warhawk, and I have almost never experienced any lag playing peer-to-peer PSN games like COD4.

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#4 ocdog45
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xbox live gives you that feature to message, and chat or text anyone at any time. i love that about it. i can compare only one game that i played on both systems. RSV. the 360 versio nwas great cause i played with all my friends and it was dope to talk to everyone with little problems. completely the opposite o nthe ps3 versio nwhich had trouble to begin with and the gameplay lagged a lil. i can really blame the psn for that though. resistance, warhawk, and UT 3 all worked fine for me. I think Home will fix a lot fo issues that cover more the nwhat the 360 sidebar and dashboard cover.
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#5 OneWingedAngeI
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everyone who wants to play online can do so with the ps3 without paying extra. there is something to be said for standardization.
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#6 GEARSpartan0415
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I think playing wise, PSN is better. I haven't had any lagging issues on PSN. Xbox Live, I can't even play most games because of the lag (especially sports games). It may be because of my connection or something, but I have a lot of problems with Xbox Live, but I don't have any with PSN.
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#7 RobTh3Gr3at
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I think playing wise, PSN is better. I haven't had any lagging issues on PSN. Xbox Live, I can't even play most games because of the lag (especially sports games). It may be because of my connection or something, but I have a lot of problems with Xbox Live, but I don't have any with PSN.GEARSpartan0415

It's probably your connection. I can play NBA 2K8 and Madden 08 perfectly.

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#8 RobTh3Gr3at
Member since 2008 • 25 Posts

I know all the gimmicks are fine and dandy, but my issue is there any difference in gameplay for games online between the PSN and X360. Jus for my own analysis, i owe both and i love them equally but to me there really is no key difference in the balance of what im really online for PLAYING OPPONENTS, im not there to chat or make friends, i hate to sound cold but im not even there to hear people voices my object is to win and crush anyone in my way, I have a social life and i don't need a system to strengthen that for me. Neways i need to know what other people think is there any difference for the main reason y most ppl r there.


Nice cheap shot at gamers.

You know, because we all stay locked up in our room and have zero friends in real life. :roll:

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#9 ThizzThizwhatIs
Member since 2007 • 83 Posts
RobTh3Gr3at sorry if I offened u but i come off the handle sometimes and really want to get my point across im a gamer too, and i know all gamers aren't like that but i know a few that piss me off because they always wanna socialize on a game and never be down for a party. Neways no skin off my nose and hopefully none at off urs either folks
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#10 Mash_Affect
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I don't understand what you mean. Do you think standard voice chat is not a good feature to have in online gaming? If you are as serious as you say you are about "crushing the other team", then voice chat would be a must on your list. Communication is crucial in most games I've played online. And 9 time out of 10, the team that is communicating will be the victors against another team of equal or even better skill.

Anyways, the common consensus is that XBL is the standard that all online gaming services should be judged against. I don't have enough experience with PSN to give the most complete opinion on that, but I tend to agree that XBL is an amazing service. Whenever I see these comparison threads, and hear about all the features that are standard on XBL but missing from PSN, it's hard for me to imagine living without them to tell you the truth. XBL has expanded the way I think about both multiplayer gaming and singleplayer gaming. For me, it has been the single largest innovation in gaming in the past decade.