1) For "speed" games like spiderman : Web of shadows, infamous, or ninja gaiden sigma 2 that features a lot of fast running, climbing, and combat instead of relying on power or stealth, are there specific names for these types of games? Because a lot of speed like in those games can make up for lack of stealth or brute power.
2) Also, is there a name for the games like batman : Arkham asylum or assassin's creed 2? I mean assassin's creed features a lot of fast running, climbing but it also features a lot of stealth, even though it's not really considered a stealth game. So is there a specific sub-genre for these types of games.
It's just that the above games seem a lot different from games like GTA, where it's more "human-like" without all the fast running, climbing, whatever.
thanks :D
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